As an abstract art quilter, I am always looking for unusual color combos. They show themselves to me in the most random of places. Read to learn how I found unusual color combos in art.

A previous post discussed the steps for creating a light and dark grey piece contrasting with lime green. I discovered this unusual color combo when I noticed scraps I had tossed on the floor. Serendipitious success. How I found unusual color combos in unusual places.
How I found unusual color combos in art.
Recently I found pieces of fabric from different projects that I had thrown together in a bag. I discovered a charming unusual color combo of light purple and a yellow orange.

Meanwhile, I looked up the name for a yellow orange color. It is called amber. What? I thought amber was a darker color. Surprisingly,it turns out that amber is directly between yellow and orange on the color wheel. As a result,I am now convinced that the color is amber.
Lilac, a light or medium purple has not always been my favorite color. Growing up it was the springtime purple of choice. Maybe my mother’s dislike for the color influenced me.
However in these times of COVID I find my choice of colors changing. Previously my mantra of Color! Texture! Movement! usually included bold bright colors. These days the colors of choice are lighter and subtle creating calm and peaceful emotions.

My focus on incorporating texture and movement remain. For some of the fabrics,I sewed a layer of lace on top of a sturdier fabric. Next, I couched (zigzagged)decorative threads on top. Then I cut the lace into smaller pieces.You may be interested in reading other blogs on how to add more texture to your art quilts.
A color coordinated fabric storage area looks appealing. However, it reduces the chance for coming across an unusual color combination.
Certainly, finding unusual color combinations begins with open eyes and an open mind. Unfortunately there are no easy pathways forward. Ultimately,each artist must take this road on their own.
Learn more about the international organization for art quilters, Studio Art Quilt Associates.