Develop a positive attitude towards change! Life is change. Life is struggle. Trying to improve things to make them better is what life is about. Face the day with a positive attitude!
The 20th Century View of Retirement
An older well respected person upon entering retirement age once said “I just don’t want any more problems.” This depression era person had the view that the golden age would be perfect. Ahead lay endless sunny days of golf or other enjoyment. Originally, due to life expectancy retirement was expected to only last about 5 to 10 years. Yet,the world has changed. While it is a blessing to be living longer, if one hasn’t developed interests to fill their time, it can be a curse.
One can only play just so many games of golf or fill in the blank of your favorite activity. Growing and being engaged is what life is all about. That is a healthy mindset. While I believe that we should try and prevent as many issues as possible, that is not always a possibility. Stuff happens. Life is change.Develop a positive attitude towards change.Facing problems with a positive creative attitude helps.

What New Interests Can You Develop
If one is lucky to be healthy and active, then they can persue a new interest in retirement. Notwithstanding, it is important to develop hobbies or interests to keep one occupied and interested in life. Upon retirement, many return to earlier interests. There are certainly many important organizations that offer volunteer opportunities. Learn something new. Exercise those dentrites! Of course, if you have grandchildren you are lucky. You have a built in interest if they live close enough for you be involved in their lives. The unintended consequence of this blog has definitely helped provide me with brain stimulation.
Develop a Positive Attitude Towards Change
It is never to late to try new things. Keeping a positive attitude towards new things helps. If we are honest the good old days weren’t so great for everyone. We can remember the past fondly while looking forward to the future. Life is change.We should not expect perfection but rather rise to the daily challenges we all face. Yet even the most positive thinker can have set backs. 2022 is offering us a whole new set of issues to deal with. Fill in the blank with the ones that are stressing the best of us.
Solving Life’s Little Problems
Instead of telling yourself, oh I have this problem to deal with. Ask yourself how you will overcome it and solve it like a daily puzzle.Take strength in solving all the littles issues as they come up such as computer problems, ant invasions that remain for days, or the loss of a water heater. Power in solving these small issues abounds. It helps me to remember I can handle this. After all I am not in a war zone. On the other hand, I want to acknowledge that there are some serious issues out there people are struggling with.This post is a reminder to keep on keeping on . This too will pass. What we say to ourselves is important.