Why is being Kind so Political? Political Quilts(2008-2014)

African Crabs, 26" x26" $1500. fabric art quilt

Political Quilts (2008-2014)

Clearly, political quilts have a long tradition. For example,quilters have long used fabric to express their political feelings and thoughts. However,the current time is no different. For example,one quilter recently embroidered the former president’s tweets onto a quilt.In short,to hand sew the president’s comments took more persistence and fortitude than I have.

A Politics-Free Zone

Above all,as a politically aware person in these recent years, my art became a refuge of comfort from the news.In other words, a politics-free zone. Most importantly,I had spent my career teaching underserved marginalized groups. In addition,I created fair situations for all genders and nationalities to learn. Similarly, getting students to blossom and prosper is in my bones.

However,during the shelter in place, I  remembered that I had done some earlier political quilts. After that, I looked through my photo files, In short,I surprised myself by the number of political quilts I had made.

Before I was an Artist

I had quilted for many years. Yet,I mark my art quilt career as beginning in 2010. However,I  found several political quilts that I made before that date. For example,in 1969, I had a green Ecology Action Flag decal on my small green car. Clearly,this piece is a reminder of that. Ecology Action began in my home town, Palo Alto,California.

Ecology Flag,Political Quilts
Ecology Flag,2008,
33 ” x 26″

Whimsical Quilts

First of all,Bamanos, Let’s Go With Obama celebrates the election of the first Black president of the United States. Clearly, it is a nod to Spanish, vamanos(Let’s go) and Obama at the same time. What a fun whimsical quilt!

Bamanos,Political Quilts
Bamanos, Let’s Go With Obama,2009, 33″ x 30″

This whimsical quilt, Teaching the Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love was created in 2009. Clearly the teaching is a difficult job. We don’t  need politicians  telling educators how to teach.

In retrospect,I originally thought these quilts were small.They are much smaller than the double size bed quilts I  had been making.

Teaching the Toughest Job You'll Ever Love,Political Quilts
Teaching the Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love,2009, 33″ x 30″


Clearly,my first art quilts celebrated travel as an enriching activity. For example, I traveled to Europe yet I met Africans, Iranians and Israelis among others. Furthermore the conversations that I had with them gave me a better understanding of their views. Their experiences in the world were different too. People are people.  But at times,we see things differently. In short,I wanted to celebrate meeting people.

African fabrics

Similarly,one of my first art quilts,Travel Enriches used African fabrics.

Travel Enriches,Political Quilts(2010-2014)
Travel Enriches, 2010, 42″ x 42″, $2100.

Likewise, African Crabs does too.

 African Crabs,Political Quilts(2008-2014)
African Crabs, 2010,26″ x 26″ $1500. fabric art quilt

Black and White Quilts and a Pop

In 2010 I made I also made, Together, We All Win. A figure made of international fabrics lies on a black and white background.

Together, We All Win,Political Quilts
Together, We All Win, 2010, 50″ x 33″, art quilt

Clearly, Girls Play was a tip of the hat to Title 9 that extended all rights to girls in athletics. However, this opportunity was unavailable when I attended high school.

Girls Play
Girls Play,2010, 35′ x 38″ $2100.

Mexican Folk Dancing

For example,with Homage to a Dancer (2009) and Market Day I wanted to express the color and movement of Mexican Folk Dancing.Similarly, they honor women.Yet,I wanted a male representative.  Furthermore,men dance in El Danzante de Los Viejitos from Michoacan, Mexico.

Market Day,Political Quilts
Market Day,2009, 56″ x 45″$3100.

In Conclusion

To summarize,when one honors underrepresented peoples as I have with my quilts, then I am definitely making political quilts.

Firstly, read more.


Next, read these.





Similarly, read these.









Lastly, read these.




You may be interested in reading more about the history of political quilts.


