Paper As Art Material

Paper as an art material is a new use for me. I usually cut fabric. A while ago, a visitor watching me cutting a tree out of fabric, he commented that it reminded him of a friend who does paper collages. While collecting materials for my new direction, mixed media assemblage, I acquired some used frames. I didn’t pay attention that some frames had glass and some didn’t. Yet, I soon realized glass doesn’t work with 3 D objects. So paper collage it was.
A New Art Direction using Paper

Paper Collage
I hadn’t really used paper as art material in my recent history.Yet, I found the process very similar to what I had done with my fabric layering techniques.Although I cut fabric instead of paper, it was the same process. The larger pieces go down first. Then I add the smaller pieces.I like using a long thin skewer or similar tool to gently move small pieces carefully.
Because this process was new to me, I made a sample. I photographed it to remember. Afterwards,I took it apart and began gluing. First, I glued the largest pieces. Then I added the smaller pieces. My go-to tool is a large pin to add glue under small spaces. It is the easiest tool I have found to glue in tiny globs.
My Motivation
Recently I have been trying some new assemblage techniques. I needed to make smaller pieces that would take less time to make and sell at a lower price point. The plan was to use items that I already had in my home and studio. Interesting pieces of discontinued wallpaper came my way and inspired me to use the paper as art material.

Using a Frame
I began with a frame or wooden box. Oddly enough for an artist,I had never used frames before. My art quilts are finished with a facing on the edges. There is no need of a frame. Probably the normal way of making art is to create something and then get it framed.
However,I worked the opposite way. I found a gently used frame or a shallow box. The art was based on what I had that would fit inside.I matched the colors of the frame. Style,size,scale and color guided me.
A Surprise
Working with new materials I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. A piece of plastic inside a frame had words on it that I wanted to remove. I figured that it was a decal. I laid it down and poured vinegar on it. After 30 minutes, the decal could easly be removed with a bit of rubbing. However, the rest of the liquid had disappeared. Where did it go? It was not on the drainboard. The liquid seeped into the plastic lining. I had to dry it several times as I turned it on its side and the liquid came out. Just a bit of an unexpected surprise!
Reusing and Reducing materials
Reusing and reducing materials is a great motivation for me. These materials were new to me. Wood, fabric,redirected tile samples and paper speak to me more that metal or plastic. I have used some small metal items. The paper I used was discontinued wallpaper samples.

An Independent Study -A New Art Direction using Paper
In my college years, I completed several independent studies. The process was a familiar one to me. The self directed student chooses a topic or project. They dive into finding information or trying new techniques. The student finishes by creating a new project. As I was creating different assemblage with the found items,I realized that I had basically created an independent study for myself. No classroom credit awarded of course.
In Conclusion
It is such a joy and welcome distraction for me in these times of the pandemic to find this next direction for my art. This new direction is totally unexpected. My creative juices have been replenished.
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