New York Art Center in TriBeCa

Sand Between My Toes

  New York Art Center in TriBeCa

New York Art Center
New York Art Center

From Laguna Beach to New York City

Shane Townley was running a gallery in Laguna Beach a decade ago when he decided he needed a broader platform for his artists – one that gave them a bigger and better chance to sell their work than just the spot on one wall in one gallery. So he launched aniPhone app that catalogs artists and galleries, where any artist can sell her work. And now he has launched NYA Gallery, which not only has the classic white box storefront on the charming cobbled block of Franklin Place, but also another 9,000 square feet of artists studios, art storage and a frame shop on the lower levels. Welcome New York Art Center in TriBeCa!

Serving the Needs of Many

The studios will be open to the public and are generally for rent by artists, but some will also be donated as residencies for artists from other countries. He and his merry band of gallerists, handlers, educators and hangers (seen above) sell 50 percent of their artists’ work online, and also have a gallery on 1st Dibs. But Townley said they still need to sell in the 3D world. “Walls and artists go together,” he said. “They will still need a space to show.”

Townley spent four years here exploring different areas and neighborhoods while painting in a studio upstairs in 373 Broadway – biding his time till he figured out the New York art market. He came up with this idea as a way to replicate what he was doing in Laguna. His timing seems pretty good. “For Tribeca it couldn’t be a better time,” he said. “We’re onto something.”

NYA Gallery
7 Franklin Place (just west of Broadway, between White and Franklin)

New York Art Center in TriBeCa
New York Art Center, studios

The New York Art Center is new to the TriBeCa neighborhood. It has been in New York City for a number of years. Ann Baldwin May is excited and proud to be the first art quilter represented by New York ArtCenter and Gallery.

Check out This Article of Fusion of Art and Physics

Randie Silverstein's glass piece
starbursts made out of glass although they look like flexible strings Article of Fusion of Art and Physics
Randie Silverstein’s glass piece

Article of Fusion of Art and Physics-For those of us who are neither physicists nor artists, it’s easy to think that there is no overlap between physics and art. But a new show in Santa Cruz called Fusion of Art and Physics aims to remind us that there are ways to build bridges between the two.

Fusion of Art and Physics Show opens at the R. Blitzer Gallery on March 1,2019. It features the results of 17 collaborations between visual artists and physicists.  After the show’s opening reception,  participants will share what they learned from each other in a panel discussion.

UC Santa Cruz physicist, Dr. Stephanie Bailey

The show is the brainchild of UC Santa Cruz physicist Stephanie Bailey, who has attempted to blend lessons from the humanities into her teaching of physics. Bailey’s idea was to pair up a roster of Santa Cruz County artists with grad students and faculty in the physics department at UCSC. Like Jane Austen’s Emma, Bailey played matchmaker, looking for complementary interests between artists and physicists. Her own pairing put her with mosaic artist Beth Purcell. Together, Bailey and Purcell built mosaics on musical instruments to illustrate standing waves, the vibrational waveform often created in music.

Art Enhances Science

“I don’t consider myself an artistic person at all,” says Bailey. “But I still very much welcomed working with an artist.”Bailey’s sales pitch to her fellow physicists was audacious. Art, she told them, isn’t a distraction from science—it enhances it.

“I really believe that working with an artist can enrich the work of a physicist, lead them to think about their problems in new and different ways, and even create a few a-ha moments,” she says.

Brad Burkhart

Santa Cruz sculptor Brad Burkhart didn’t need convincing. Burkhart’s partner on the physics side was Hendrik Ohldag. He is  a physicist from the Stanford Synchotron Radiation Laboratory where he studies magnetism. Burkhart entered the partnership already inspired.  He is quick to share his favorite title  Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time and Light by San Francisco surgeon Leonard Shlain.

“I’ve always been interested in the overlap between the arts and the sciences,” says Burkhart. “It’s [Shlain’s] premise that art leads science by 50 years or so. Artists come up with a visual framework that is later discovered and proven by scientists.”

Gates of Paradise

Inspired by the Gates of Paradise at the Baptistry of Florence, Burkhart turned his artistic attention to creating small bas-relief panels from high-fired clay that are similar to what he saw in Florence. Burkhart visited his scientist partner Ohldag in the physicist’s lab, and Ohldag returned the favor by visiting Burkhart during Open Studios. Eventually, Burkhart created a series of his relief panels guided by feedback and comments from Ohldag.

“I’m going to have a description of how we collaborated.  I’m going to have Hendrick’s comments on the four sculptures as well,” says Burkhart.

Randie Silverstein,glass artist

Glass artist Randie Silverstein says that her collaboration with physics grad student, Alex McDaniel led to an enormous breakthrough in my work. I’ve been doing glass art to explore the material further. Then I  conceived of and manipulated the materials  in ways I hadn’t done before. Randie’s work took off in a totally new direction.

For Bailey, the non-artist who found herself curating an art show, Fusion is part of a mission to bring the concepts of physics to a wider public. “Art is a much more friendly and inviting way to attract people than physics,” she says. Of the work she created alongside mosaic artist Beth Purcell, she says that the artwork is more than a few pieces of aesthetic pleasure. “I consider them extraordinary teaching tools, something I can bring into the classroom to convey an important concept in physics.”

‘Fusion of Art and Physics’ runs through March. Opening reception is Friday, March 1, 5-9 p.m. Artist and physicist panel discussion on Saturday, March 16, noon-2 p.m. R. Blitzer Gallery, 2801 Mission St. Extension, Santa Cruz.

Video of Art Display 2

Video of Art Display 2

View this Video of Art Display 2 from the show at the Santa Cruz County Building, 701 Ocean St. 2018 on the first floor.

Video of Art Display 2
Sea Dragons in the Golden Kelp
tree with branches, leaves falling, picket fence in fabricVideo of Art Display 2
Under the Shady Tree 27″ x 38″

Color! Texture! Movement!

Art quilts by Ann Baldwin May are all about color, texture and movement. Her inspiration comes from the natural world as well as from Mexican and Native American Influences.  Motivation stems from how the materials play with one another. Her materials of choice are redirected fabrics from the San Francisco Design Center.

The artist’s portfolios includes abstracts, seascapes, landscapes and Mexican inspired fabric collages. Artist created fiber details, tucks or found objects  add texture. Flowing quilting lines and curved line piecing creates movement . Techniques include curved line piecing, free motion quilting, and fabric layering.


Ann Baldwin May was born and raised in Palo Alto, California. She received her education from University of California, Irvine. She has a BA History,anElementary Teaching Credential, and a Masters in Teaching Spanish. Her first quilting class was in 1975. She retired in 2012. She worked 30 years as a bilingual teacher and Bilingual Resource Teacher in Watsonville, California.

Being an Artist

After making over 300 bed quilts, she turned her attention to art quilts. Ann is passionate about using repurposed materials often from the San Francisco Design Center. She has won several awards for her work. Five pieces were recently purchased by Kaiser Permanente for their Santa Cruz County facilities. Her work reflects her inspiration of materials, nature and her love and respect for the Mexican culture.
Ann Baldwin May Art Quilts participates in the juried Santa Cruz County Open Studios Art Tour. Visit her studio and gallery in the Santa Cruz Art Center, 1001 Center St. #4 Downtown S.C.


Pájaro Valley Quilt Association (PVQA),a past president, secretary and parliamentarian.
Santa Cruz Art League
Pájaro Valley Arts Council
Studio Art Quilt Associates(SAQA)-international art quilters organization
New Fiber Group of Santa Cruz County

Organized by Art Council Santa Cruz

Video of Art Display 1

   Video of Art Display 1

Watch this Video of Art Display 1.  The  art quilts were on display   at the Santa Cruz County Building 701 Ocean St. facility, first floor in 2018.

an abstract art quilt black and white with bits of color Gridlock II, an abstract art quilt

My Art Quilts

Simply,my art quilts may be abstract, whimsical or impressionistic. Furthermore,inspiration comes from the natural world as well as from Mexican and Native American influences. In addition, materials of choice are redirected fabrics and found objects. They come from the San Francisco Design Center.  In addition,art quilts let me to play with color and texture. My technique, Scribble Quilting allows me to create movement on many of my pieces.

A Short  Bio

I was born and raised in Palo Alto, California.In high school I studied sewing and clothing construction for two years. Later,I continued to sew much of my wardrobe. As a newlywed, I took my first quilting class at a neighborhood fabric store in Huntington Beach. My husband and I lived and traveled in Europe for a year.Then we  moved to Santa Cruz, California in 1980. I continued to sew clothes and make quilts for my family.I stopped counting bed quilts at 300. After teaching 30 years in Watsonville as a bilingual teacher, I retired.

Santa Cruz Art Center

Santa Cruz Art Center Businesses

Santa Cruz Art Center 1001 Center St. Downtown Santa Cruz offers a wide range of design businesses and art.

A visit to the Art Center in not complete without a visit to  11th Hour Coffee. The coffee is roasted on site. Food is also available.  Spacious seating area inside or outside in the back or front courtyard. Find your sun or shade!

A visit to the Art Center in not complete without a visit to  11th Hour Coffee. The coffee is roasted on site. Food is also available.  Spacious seating area inside or outside in the back or front courtyard. Find your sun or shade!

Other Businesses  include

Arts at the Santa Cruz Art Center , Facebook page

Follow the art activities on our Facebook Page, Arts at the Santa Cruz Art Center.This group is open to the public. Anyone can post there. The only rule is the activity must take place at the Art Center.The purpose is to highlight the arts related businesses and activities. Located at1001 Center St. Downtown Santa Cruz, CA. Many venues  feature art for the monthly First Fridays Art Tour.

The Public is Welcome.

We invite those  who present or host events in the SC Art Center to join this group. All events taking place there are welcome. The usual activities include music, theatre, visual arts,  or dancing .In the past there have been poetry readings, comedy, mystery dinners and book launchings. Advertise your show.
