Ready to Try Something New? First Steps Towards Assemblage

Aboriginal black and white assemblage 18 " x 14"

First Steps Towards Assemblage

First steps towards assemblage occurred before I was even aware that I was moving in that direction. Assemblage is a newer art form of putting different items together in a new and unusual way. That is to say that with a new focus on recycling and redirecting art takes on new forms.

In addition, it can take on many different forms including metal, paper and fiber. Materials are often found objects. Furthermore,they can either being used as found or taken apart to highlight intricate usually unseen pieces.

First Steps -Ready to try Something New?

Aboriginal b/w assemblage,First Steps Towards Assemblage
Aboriginal,black and white assemblage 18 ” x 14″    2013

In 2013, I completed my first  3D collage piece. For example,some black and white objects called to me. At first, a figure I had made using decorative details   were arranged  on a redirected piece of fiber. Above all if we consider aboriginal to mean the first, maybe the title is prophetic.

Mexican Inspired Fiber Assemblage

Later in 2018, more redirected fiber directed me to make some Mexican inspired fiber assemblage pieces. Here is my Fun with Fiber series.The sizes are generally smaller than 15″ wide. First of all one must consider how to hang the piece before  continuing with the design process.Moreover,you may recognize small decorative details, fabrics and found objects in these pieces.

Native Sunset With Cats, sold
First Steps Towards Assemblage
Bracelet of Beaded Friends
Fun with Fiber,First Steps Towards Assemblage
Fun with Fiber 5
Memories of the Hunt
Worry Dolls

These pieces are smaller and come together faster than an art quilt. They allow me to create these small works of art quicker. They fill a niche for those interested in my art yet with less funds.

In Conclusion

Assemblage or 3D collages can be made with many redirected materials. Find a new use instead of tossing it.
