How to Develop Your Art Passion

Poppin' Back

  Develop Your Art Passion

Smilin’ 33″ x 24″ 2021

How do you develop your art passion? Recently on two separate occasions I was explaining my art to another person. They both lamented  that they couldn’t sew. Sewing was so hard. Yet,one person was definitely of the age of a person who had to take sewing at school. The other one was was much younger. However, she also mentioned that sewing was an impossibly hard task to do.

Where does One’s passion start?

As mentioned I can’t pinpoint when my passion for sewing started. No, my mother was not a strong seamstress. No, my grandparents were not nearby to teach me nor did they sew. Yet, I do remember begging my mother to sign me up for sewing lessons the summer after sixth grade. I don’t remember begging my parents for anything else. Okay, I did write a persuasive argument for why I needed  to have a car. Does that even count? My begging usually  focussed on not having to  do something. I have a vague memory of trying to get out of a piano  recital  that I hadn’t practiced for. Music is not a strong point of mine.

My First Sewing Classes

So my mother signed me up to take sewing classes at the local Singer Sewing Store downtown. The classes were a disaster.The teacher expected to help ladies finish their projects. Her expertice did not involve teaching the basics to twelve year olds. How to do lay out a pattern on fabric and cut it out was not in her plan. Public school teachers to the rescue! Luckily, 8th grade sewing did just that. I was on my way. Little did I know that it would develop into a lifelong passion.

Developing an Art Passion

This was the late 1960s. Girls and women were still expected to know how to sew. Yet, my older sister didn’t like it. She said she didn’t have the patience. Did I think that I was a patient person? No. I liked fashion as much as any teenaged girl did. My outfits certainly didn’t push the fashion envelope. I was not an avant garde dresser.

Developing a Skill Set

But without knowing it, I was developing a skill set. I was learning about selecting fabrics. With practice,I learned what pattern envelopes said, what they meant, and what they didn’t say. Moreover, I developed opinions about  what they should have said. I also knew I wanted to take an elective class of sewing in high school.I ended up taking the advanced class too. Who knows?Bound buttons may come back in style.

Imagine this top fluffy for the one I made

Back to the fuzzy yellow knitted top. I do remember  planning my ensembles with texture and variations  in mind. I studied my ensembles for high school.  What combinations of  outfits did I already have? What materials or colors were they in? How could I make something that would add a difference for my wardrobe? How could I add texture  and interest to the clothes I wore?

Inspired by a Tam and Scarf

Yet at this point,sewing was my hobby. Graduating a four year  college was my family’s expectation for me. I had no problems with that. I did get accepted to UC,Irvine, my first choice. My back up school was Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. SLO is famous for their home economics department. I often wonder how my life would have turned out differently if I had gone there. The closest thing to home economics at UC,Irvine was chemistry lab.

Schooling and Career

So I got a degree in History, worked on my Spanish, Master in Teaching and became an elementary school teacher. I worked passionately with second language learners for 36 years. No regrets.

Over the years I kept sewing. I made clothes for myself and my family. I learned to  quilt and I kept quilting. Most of the quilts were for family members and donation  quilts for charities. I learned different techniques like applique and paper piecing. I stopped counting my bed quilts at 300!

Poppin’ Back, 2021

Art Quilts

Much later I switched to art quilts. I have over 400 art quilts,large and small listed on my inventory. I learned different techniques including free motion quilting.I started entering juried art shows.Pieces sold. Practice makes perfect.Sometimes it feels good to realize that I actually know something and can comfortably do it. Do I still try new things? Yes.

Art in College

I took a year of studio art, drawing and painting in college. The teaching style in the late 1960s was totally hands off. The student was free to do their own thing. The teacher said in a positive comment that I did funny little pictures. Looking back, I realize part of my problem is that I  didn’t practice. I didn’t put in the hours to become good at it. I didn’t have the passion to keep at it to develop my skills. Malcolm Gladwell his book, Outliers said it takes10,000 times to get really good at something. That sounds like a lot unless one loves doing it, has fun and is passionate about continuing.

In Conclusion

Passion! Dedication! is the answer.So much so that you will choose to stick to something  even when you get frustrated. Yet you keep going and over time you  get better and better. Maybe you will even reach an advanced skill level. At age of ten, I knew, I wanted sewing lessons. I didn’t know why. I still don’t. But sewing and the related field of quilting has stayed with me pretty much my whole life. So much so that I can only laugh when some artist says how hard it is for them. Isn’t it great that we all have different skills and talents! Find your passion and stick to it.

How Easy is It to Change your Mind? Shift Your View

Shifting one’s can have a big affect on a situation. All other factors remaining the same except for a change of view. Shift your view!

Abstract Art Quilts

I had been working on a pink,magenta and purple abstract piece at the time. I liked it so much that  I made a smaller one to donate. As this was my first time at this local institution, I was excited. The auction has a two week window. I kept track with several visits. But no one bid on my piece. How embarressing! I was mortified! So I  bid on it myself in my mother’s name with my phone number.  In the end, I bought back my own piece!

Time passed and I pondered.

Time passed. I realized that I could shift my view. There was another way to look at the experience.First, the money paid went to an organization I wanted to support. It didn’t matter if the donation was money or a piece of art. 

A Newer Art Form

Art Quilts are a newer art form. The more the public sees textiles as an art form the better. Hopefully a love and understanding of art quilts will develop with exposure. A better way to view this is to turn it around into an educational opportunity for the public to be exposed to something new .Every time a person views a new art quilt in an accepted venue, it is a win for everyone not just a sale or a donation.

What ideas of your own can be seen differently? How can they be shifted to create a win win situation? 

Here is the link to the Santa Cruz County Art Council. They work year round to support artists and art education throughout the county.

Now is the time Develop Your Own Art Style!

Splendid Fairy Wren, abstract art quilt

Develop Your Art Style

Ann Baldwin May wrote Develop Your Art Style  as a potential  Zoom talk at a NorCal /Southern Nevada  Regional Meeting of the International Art quilters organization,SAQA. Although this post’s original audience was art quilters, many of the points apply to all forms of artists. Especially artists who are just beginning to put themselves and their art out into the world.


Ann Baldwin May developed her art style to become a quilt artist. Ms. May reinvented herself in retirement.  Her art friends call her resilient, a prolific artist and a master at social media. She was accepted into the New York Art Center in Tribeca in 2019.

purple black ,white medium blue,Develop Your Art Style
Splendid Fairy Wren, 30″ h x 25″ w, an abstract art quilt

Develop Your Art Style

How to develop your own art style? Do you want to make a career out of art ? Do you want to sell items that you make? Is your goal to be in a museum? These decisions are part of  the process. An answer does not need to be made right away. Only one person can make these decisions. It is YOU.
In the beginning,I would visit shows and see no art quilts that looked like mine.  At first, I  worried about this, but then I realized that it was a good thing.  I had my own unique style. I focussed on developing it more.

Honing your Craft

  • Develop your skill set .This will be your bag of tricks that you will draw from.What skills are you good at? What skills do you like to use while making your art? Use these to develop your own style.
  • Classes are great but at some point one has to work on developing their own style.
  • Attend  SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) conferences. The workshops offer great advice for all steps of your career.
brown and golden tree art quilt,Develop Your Art Style
Celebrating Fall 33″h x 31″ w

Putting Yourself Out There

The 20th century model for art and many things was make or do great work. Then the world would come to you.  The 21st century model is different. Each person needs to let the world know what they are doing. This can be difficult for some of us to do. However,I found this phrase helpful when I started out. Hi, I am shamelessly promoting my work. This phrase shows  that it is uncomfortable yet it still needs to be done.

  • Let people know what you are doing. Share with your friends and the groups you are in. They will be a big support for you especially in the beginning.
  • Start a list of people who want to hear from you. Gather names and emails at each show you participate in. Use it to notify people of what you are doing. I do a monthly newsletter about where I am showing my art or what I am making.
  • What is your digital footprint? If someone sees your work and googles you, what will they see? What do you want to see when you google an artist?  A website announces to the world that you are serious about your art.  Online sale sites are growing. Besides  sales, I have gotten commissions from my Etsy shop. I was also contacted by an editor for Art Quilting Studio to write  articles for them. I was interviewed by a freelance writer for the Smithsonian Magazine due to my digital footprint.

Each Community is Unique.

Each community is unique. I happen to live in a community with a vibrant art scene. Santa Cruz, California is  fifth in the nation of listing  artists as their livelihood.There are opportunities to show your work at restaurants, coffee shops, quilts shows, county fairs, festivals,real estate offices,First Fridays events, Open Studios Art Tours.  Your community is probably different. join together with others and form a group. Accept the opportunity to create your own events.

Educating the Public about what You Do

Take the opportunity to educate the public about art quilts. I usually say art quilting is  a new form. It (SAQA) began in 1989 in Northern CA. Yvonne Porcella was actually born and raised in my county. Many people still don’t know about it.

an underwater fantasy art quilt,Develop Your Art Style
Sea Turtles,23″ x 35″,an underwater fantasy art quilt

Further Steps

  • Create a laser statement, sometimes called a elevator talk. Explain what you do in a sentence or two. Most people know what quilts.But they are still unfamiliar with art quilts.  I usually say art quilts use quilting technique to make wall art. My portfolios are Nature, Abstracts and Mexican inspired art quilts.
  • Reach beyond the art quilt world to the art world in general. Enter shows that accept fiber art.
  • Local press- If you are  having shows or creating events the local press with search you out. Of course, you can also let them know.
  • Be professional. Be a person someone wants to work with. Leave your ego at the door.Be prompt, prepared at all steps.

About ten years I began my art path into the world. I gleaned these ideas presented here mainly from my own search to develop my own style. I find that they have worked for me. As one takes baby steps into the art world, people will comment on what they see or like. This feedback  from the public will  help  you define your own style.You may have one but you may not truly recognize it.  I offer these suggestions to help as you  develop your own art style.

You may be interested in reading more about my style.

What Makes my Art Unique? Coming into my Own as an Art Quilter

Sea Turtles,23" x 35"

Coming into my Own as an Art Quilter

For the past ten years, I have worked to come into my  own as an art quilter. It took that long to grow into the artist I am today. Growth happens when we least expect it. I started making art quilts about 12 years ago. I entered and was accepted into my first juried art show in 2010. The next year the same piece won an award. Subsequently, there was not turning back. I was off and running. This year,2019 I was accepted into New York Art to show in their gallery in TriBeCa in New York City.

black, white medium blue abstract art quilt
American Democracy,2019 27″ w x 28″h

Others’ Art Quilts

At first,I would look at art quilts in galleries and shows. It was puzzling that none of them looked like mine. At first,I was worried. This struck me as worrisome. It took me a while to realize what that meant. After that, I realised that I had my own style. This became reassuring. No one has had my experiences, my life, but me. No one chooses the materials that I choose. That is why the quilts are different.

Underwater Fantasies

Living on the California coast, marine landscapes are popular.In the beginning when I started doing underwater seascapes, I was concerned about how make a  fish’s face or mouth. Then I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I saw examples of everything . For example, some fish mouths went up,  some mouths went down ,some were big and some were small with everything in between. Subsequently,this freed me to create as I chose. Clearly,I don’t do scientific drawings. However,I do create whimsical seascapes I call underwater fantasies. This is who I want to be.

Sea Turtles,an underwater fantasy art quilt
Sea Turtles,23″ x 35″

Wavy Quilting Lines

I have noticed that many  art quilts that win awards at art quilt shows are heavily quilted with tight quilting lines, mostly straight lines ¼”  apart. To me that  kind of quilting just tries to control the fabric and squeeze all movement out of the quilt. Movement is one of my guiding influences . My quilting lines swerve and wave  from corner to corner. It is what I do. It is my style.

an abstract art quilt in beiges and browns
Petite Neutrality, 11″ x 12″

Working from Photos-NOT

I do not like to work from photos. I do not want to create anything that can be copied with a camera. That’s just me. Yet many other art quilters do work from photos. They do create award winning pieces.

Once, I tried to make a landscape quilt using fabric with rocks  and trees on it instead of just creating my own. It was not fun trying to find the exact fabric I needed. Just thinking about it gives me a headache. Now I prefer to work in the realm of impressionism. Yes, it will obviously be a landscape or a seascape. But I trust  the viewers’ eyes and minds to interpret a scene as they see it.

underwater seascape
Marine Canyon Dwellers,
26″ h x 25″w

Threads and Colors

The color of  threads  changes according to what fabric  is near or next to them.The threads and fabric don’t need to match exactly.  I love that quality. It frees the artist from certain restraints.More recently I have been making abstract art quilts by choosing three contrasting  colors. Then I find the hues of those colors to increase the range of the colors. It is what I do. It is my style.

Creating Texture

To add texture, one might find some 3D decorative threads hanging freely down off of the top. One might see  rows of couched decorative threads throughout  the piece adding more texture. My nature pieces may include lots of threads used to create bushes or brush in the landscape.One might see straight or curving tucks to add texture and movement. It is what I do. It is my style as an art quilter.

a tree with a fence,fabric art
Under the Shady Tree, 27″ x38″h

My Three Portfolios

I have three portfolios that speak to me; Nature quilts(trees, landscapes and  underwater fantasies) Mexican inspired pieces ( often fabric collages) and abstract art quilts. I usually rotate between  each portfolio making several pieces before moving on. In this way , each portfolio feels new as I haven’t done it for a while. Creating Color! Texture! Movement! in each piece remains consistent. It is satisfying to finally recognize who I am and what I do as an art quilter.The good news is I now know who I am as an art quilter.

Mexican themed fabric collage
De La Sierra, fabric collage with appillera, 32″ x 30″
