Has an art solution ever come to you in your dreams? Other artists mention that their ideas or an art solution came to them while asleep. Yet this had never previously happened to me. Until now! I have many small pieces of Mayan woven fabric. In the past I had included these Guatemalan fabrics in my art quilts basically as strips or blocks. Yet,this time I wanted to do something different. The 12″ fabric iguana perched on my design wall ached to be included. I just wasn’t sure what I could do.

An Example
Iguana’s Fiesta is an example of how I would use my Mexican inspired fabrics. Can you see the three pieces of antique huipil dresses in the blocks? One is in the middle of the top row. There are two on each side of the lower blocks. Strips of Mexican inspired fabrics and lace are sewn down the sides. Do you see the iguana watching over the fun? I do have a thing for lizards. They often appear in my art quilts.

My Semiconscious State
In a dream or at least semiconscious state, it came to me to place the iguana in a tree using the Mayan woven fabrics as branches. I had never used the Mayan fabric as trees or branches before. However, I had used other fabrics in this way many times. So this was an easy transition to make. I liked the effect.

58 cm x53cm
I like the effect so much I ended up making another one also. Each art quilt figured a colorful iguana in the Mexican rainforest. The medium blue fabric is one of the Mayan fabrics as well. Dragonflies flit through the tree branches in Steamy Rainforest.

My Father’s Advise about Solving a Problem
My father’s advise for solving a problem was to leave it alone. Then come back to it later at a later time. This reduces frustration and anger. Equally it gives a person time to think. I don’t always do this. However, I do like the idea of putting something in the back of your mind for a while. The brain ruminates on issues or topics and comes up with a doable solution over time. That usually works for me. This solution works for which art genre you work in.
What works for you? How do you deal with art issues that come up?
A Word about Names
Mexico is home to a wide range of indigenous people,cultures and languages. These native peoples are my inspiration for many of my art quilts. The Mayan community stretches from southern Mexico to Guatemala. While the fabric was bought in Guatemala. It is difficult to know if the fabric came from Southern Mexico or Guatemala. For better or worse, I tend to use the phrases Mexican inspired and indigenous interchangeably.