The Devil is in the Details-Create Fabric Embellishments

I create fabric embellishments to add color,texture and movement to my abstract art quilts. Some are 3D. Couch(zigzag) leftover yarn or decorative threads to create lines. It is fun to try out new ways of adding textile details to my art. Take a closer look at how fabric embellishments with decorative threads or yarn can add texture and interest to an art quilt.

Finding Materials to Create Fabric Embellishments

Several years ago a fiber friend gifted me a huge container of bits and pieces of a wide range of colors and styles of decorative threads or novelty yarns. She knew that I like to add them to my work. Right, she was.

My bin full of different colors and lengths of decorative threads.
My bin full of different colors and lengths of decorative threads to make textile details.

A cards with several different types of decorative or novelty threads like the one below can be purchased. I bought mine at a huge quilt fair. Of course, find shorter bits of yard at thrift shops and garage sales. Regardless of what the threads are called, the point is to add unusual threads or yarn to your pieces. Use embroidery threads, yarn or thicker threads. Double, triple or quadruple the ply to make the threads thicker.Think outside the box and create a new use yourself.

Decorative threads that I often add texture to my art quilts. Variety of thicknesses and colors of threads
Decorative threads that I often add texture to my art quilts.
A card with 6 different types of decorative threads to embellish art quilts.
Another example to the types of threads I embellish my quilts with.

To Begin

To begin, choose 3-4 colors to work with. Pick out other fabrics in those hues or shades.After that, I randomly place the fabric on the design wall. At this point I haven’t decided if I will use all of the fabrics. Will they all go together and make it into the final piece? Stay tuned.

Lavender decorative thread above piece where it is sewn.
Lavender decorative thread above piece where it is sewn.
Pieces of fabric on the design wall
Pieces of fabric on the design wall

For instance,the deep purple fabric has a lighter purple decorative thread couched or zig zagged onto the fabric. Ultimately,I prefer a matching thread color while couching so that the sewing threads are not so visible. But that is an artist’s choice. In the photo on the left, view the purple decorative thread before it is sewn on. Also see the pattern created by multiple strips of ribbon and decorative threads. Cheap thrills!

A Strip of Fabric

Primarily, I start with a strip of fabric about 20″-30″ (51cm -77cm) and couch(zigzgag) the ribbons and decorative threads on the strips. Then I cut the strips into random lengths like the pieces you see. I also choose the cut pieces to be of different widths. You may choose differently.

Fiberous Fabrics Create Fabulous Fabric Embellishments

Furthermore,using fiberous fabrics to create textile details adds interest to your art quilts. Check our decorator shops for their discontinued materials. Find unusual fabrics there. Moreover,they will be thrilled that you will take these discontinued materials off their hands.

small piece of cream fabric with lavender, blue and white decorative threads and ribbons sewn on
small piece of fabric with decorative threads and ribbons sewn on
small pieces of fabric with decorative threads sewn on
small pieces of fabric with decorative threads sewn on
A fiberous type of fabric with decorative threads sewn on. Example of type of decorative thread on the left.
A fiberous type of fabric with decorative threads sewn on for a textile detail. Example of type of decorative thread on the left.
More examples of details on the design wall
More examples of details on the design wall
Several plys of yarn together make a thick line. Decorative threads alternating can too.
For example several plys of yarn together make a thick line. Decorative threads can too.
A fiborous  piece with decorative threads sewn on the back
back-A fiborous piece with decorative threads sewn on
A brown fiborous  piece with purple decorative threads sewn on
A fiborous piece with decorative threads sewn on-front

After I have completed several details with decorative threads, it is time to start placing pieces on the design wall. See photo below.

Trying out spots on the design wall for fabrics
Trying out spots on the design wall for fabrics
Small pieces of fabric on the design wall ready to be sewn together.
Small pieces of fabric on the design wall ready to be sewn together.

This is how I placed the textile details after moving them around for balance of color. As a result several of the details did not make it into the final piece. That is all right. I will save them for another time. My main intent in this post is to focus on the creation of details. Yet, here is the finished product, Lavender Caramels.

Lavender Caramels completed,
28" x 26" 71 cm x 66cm
Lavender Caramels completed 28″ x 26″ 71 cm x 66cm

Ready to toss? Don’t. Rethink How to Use.

Quilters are famous for reusing fabric in their quilts. Yet, for quilters there are several other ways to reuse and not toss materials. Let me share a few of the ways that I have taken this a bit farther. I am very passionate some might say obsessed about not throwing fabric or other materials away.

Desert Trees in the Wash landscape art quilt
DesertTrees in the Wash, 25″ x 24″ 64 cm x 61cm 2021 Just one example of how I use small bits in my art quilts.

Business Cards

I use bits of batting and fabric to make my business cards. They are like mini art quilts. Some people benefit from a visual example of what an art quilt is. The fabric cards are about 4″ x 4″ 10 cm 10cm.

Therefore,it would be a real challenge to use these small materials for anything else. Each fabric business card is unique. People are thrilled to choose a small piece of art to take with them.

 fabric business cards
My fabric business cards

First, I write out my contact information using a fabric pen on a light colored solid piece of fabric. Next,I sew several small pieces of leftover fabric together. Finally, I make a small quilt sandwich with a small piece of batting inside. Then I stitch the three layers together. Trim and zigzag the edges.

a fabric business card- a work in progress
a fabric business card- a work in progress
a fabric business card -a work in progress with batting and backing
a fabric business card -a work in progress with batting and backing

Short Pieces of Decorative Threads

Pieces of decorative threads add texture and dimension to my art quilts. They could be birds or twigs in the wind. I prefer to create a more impressionistic view in my landscape art quilts. I leave it up to the viewer to decide whether the small piece is a bird or a leaf blowing in the wind. Reuse, don’t toss.

a bin of decorative threads
A textile friend gave me lots sof small pieces of the decorative threads she had left over from making scarves.
a closer look at some of the decorative threads
a closer look at some of the decorative threads
a plastic container of yarns and decorative threads I use,reuse don't toss
Here are some other yarns I use.
decorative threads and details I take apart to use their threads
Decorative threads and decor details I take apart to use their threads

Small Pieces of Fabric

Small pieces of fabric become abstract art quilts or fabric landscape collages. I have written several blogs on this topic. Here are links to two.

Sew Batting Together

Pieces of batting can be sewn together to be used like a larger piece. Make sure the weight of the batting is the same. Cut straight edges. Sew by zigzagging straight edges together. Make sure to create no gaps. Often there is a narrow long piece of batting let over when quilting a large quilt. These are my coveted pieces for this technique. Quilters,Reuse,Don’t Toss

two pieces of equal weighted batting can be sewn together,reuse don't toss
Two pieces of equal weighted batting can be sewn together.

Reusing items in Mixed Media

During the pandemic I turned my attention to mixed media or assemblage. I searched for small yet unusual items. These items would add interest to an art piece. Everything does not need to be a broken piece. Repurposing items also counts. My daughter brought back a small sewing kit from a trip to Europe. She never used it. I found a new use for them.

art in a box with blue tiles and buttons,9" x 6" reuse don't toss
Blue EuropeanThreads, 9″ x 6″ 23 cm x 15 cm

I am not sure if buttons would be considered unusual items. Yet, when I stacked them up with contrasting colors the effect was unusual.

Reuse, don’t toss. Sometimes I have to give myself permission to throw something away. But with some thought, it is easy to consider another way to use something.
