Ranges of mountains flowing and seeming gliding into one another filled my mind at the start of 2023. Landscapes were a familiar turf for me. Yet, for some reason they had included hills rather than mountains. I had never been satisfied with my attempts to recreate the rocky hills of La Quinta,California in the Coachella Valley. However, I found adding layers and layers created a satisfactory scene. I don’t work from photos. For some,I added Guatemalan woven fabrics and reflective sheers that I had not used before in my landscapes.

Some Newer Pieces (2020-2024)
Racial justice is still pertinent!

Let Us Breathe was in Minneapolis, Minnesota as part of the show, Racism:In Face of Hate We Resist. Some Newer Pieces (2020-2023) https://textilecentermn.org/wearethestory-racism


Some Newer Pieces (2020-2023)-Tree Along Creek uses the fabric layering technique The pop of medium green leaves came for a piece of fabric from the 1940s.

Celebrating Fall has artist made fabric for the trees. I couched decorative threads and yarns on to a loopy, fiberous fabric. I cut the branches and truck out of the fabric.

Guatemalan fabrics are hidden in plain sight in this art quilt.

http://saqa.com Studio Art Quilt Associates- International Art Quilt organization
Many more pieces of art are available at my Etsy shop.