Mexican Inspired Fabric Collages

Welcome to the wonderful world of Mexican Inspired Fabric Collages. These art pieces  will most likely be whimsical. Yet, always made with the most respect and love for the Mexican culture. Mexico is home to many indigenous, diverse peoples. Their use of color inspires.

Mexican Iguana Iguana climbs through gold and green foliage 23" x 21" 59 x 53cm
Mexican Iguana 23″ x 21″ 59 x 53cm 2022

Mexican Inspired Fabric Collages

At the Flower Market 28" x 28"  71 x 71cm, 2013 art quilt
At the Flower Market 28″ x 28″ 71 x 71cm, 2013

At the Flower Market is a fabric collage. Likewise the women and the flowers are cut from one piece of fabric. Then they are sewn on to another piece of fabric to create the scene. I added cactus,the mats and borders with decorative threads.

Yellow and black with bright colors on this Mexican art quilt. 3D flowers, antique huipil pieces 34" x 30"  86 x 76 cm
Iguana’s Fiesta 34″ x 30″ 86 x 76 cm 2013

Above all,pieces of antique huipil inspired me to create this piece. In addition,I appliqued the iguana onto an actual bandana. Also bright decorative rickrack and decorative ribbons adorn. At the same time, tatting was popular in the United States, it was as well in Mexico. Therefore,I included two pink tatted flowers along with an artist made lace flower.

Mexican Fireworks 33" x 23" 83 x 58cm 2016 fabric collage
Mexican Fireworks 33″ x 23″ 83 x 58cm 2016

First of all, in Mexican Fireworks, I imagined the antique tatted flowers as spinning fireworks on a stick. In addition,gold hearts, ribbons and decorative threads go with the cornlike background fabric.

Bag of Cultural Gems, Mexican inspired Art quilt
Bag of Cultural Gems 29″ x 22″ 74 x 56 cm 2017
Of Blooms, Bulls and Bandanas 36" x 23"  91 x 59cm  2017 fabric collage
Of Blooms, Bulls and Bandanas 36″ x 23″
91 x 59cm 2017
