Indeed there are several ways to Contact Ann Baldwin May Art Quilts.
For example, one can contact me via phone 831.345.1466.
On the other hand, one can contact me at baldwinmay49@yahoo.com
Or find me at
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Ann-Baldwin-May-Art-Quilts-478579335497629/
Instagram annbaldwinmay
Furthermore,Contact Ann Baldwin May Art Quilts by stopping by my studio in the Santa Cruz Art Center.1001 Center St. Downtown Santa Cruz Suite 4. Most importantly,this is where I do my work. In addition, I have 3 walls of gallery space. However, if I am not there my work is visible through several windows.
5 Star Review
A 5 star review from Sally on Feb 5, 2022 from my etsy shop, https://www.etsy.com/shop/annbmayartquilts/ 5 out of 5 stars
“An original work of art in fabric. Such fine quality in materials, craftsmanship, and design. Shipped quickly and securely. Recommend this maker.”
Original art,Abstract fabric wall art,Contemporary wall art,painterly effect,International fabrics and lace,inspired by Gees Bend quilts
Santa Cruz Art Center

Contact Ann Baldwin May Art Quilts at my studio inside off of the lobby at Suite 4. I work there. There are three walls to display my work. For Open Studios and First Fridays, I fill the lobby space with Color! Texture! Movement! https://www.facebook.com/groups/189567908366329
About the Quilt Artist
My art quilts are all about the quilt artist creating abstract, whimsical or impressionistic pieces. Inspiration comes from the natural world. In additon, I am inspired by Mexican and Native American influences. My materials of choice are redirected fabrics. I find them from the San Francisco Design Center. It is fun to add found objects. Art quilts free me to play with color and texture. My technique, Scribble Quilting allows me to create movement on many of my pieces.

Two Inspirational Artists
Above all, I owe my inspiration to two artists. They are from Santa Cruz County, California. Meri Vahl has been recognized nationally. She taught me the fabric layering technique. She was patient teacher. Meri recognized each student as an individual.
Ellen edith made whimsical, personal quilts. She was a fabric designer and artist extraordinaire. Her influence lives on well beyond her life. I have great appreciation for these two local leaders of the art quilt world.
SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates)
I am proud to be part of a large group of art quilters. SAQA started by Yvonne Porcella in Northern California. SAQA got its start in 1989. Yet, it is now an international organization. Art quilters have transformed the quilt into a 21st Century art form. I continue to explore new forms and ways. I enjoy this journey working with unusual materials.
About the Artist,bio
I was raised in Palo Alto, California. In high school I studied sewing and clothing construction. I continued to sew much of my wardrobe. In 1974,I took my first quilting class. Over the years, I continued to sew clothes. Also, I made quilts for my family. I stopped counting bed quilts at 300. In 2012, I retired to spend more time on creating art quilts.
My First Art Quilt

In 2008, I made my first art quilt, Homage to a Dancer. It reflects my love of Mexican dance. I participated in Los Méxicas(the University of California,Santa Cruz ballet folklórico group). I thought that this was a small quilt. It was in comparison with the double sized bed quilts I had been making.
A studio in the Art Center

May, 2016, I opened a studio in the Santa Cruz Art Center.
Located at 1001 Center St. in Downtown Santa Cruz. I have space to work. There are three walls to display my work. On First Fridays, I fill the lobby with art. In June, 2019 New York Art Center accepted my work into their gallery. 7 Franklin Place, TRIBECA, New York City.
Award Winning Artist

Great Blue Heron at Dusk entered into an art show in 2010. The following year it won a merit award in Fremont,California.
In 2013, Visions of New Mexico won third place. It placed in the Neo Membreno 2013 Show. The Western New Mexico Museum in Silver City, New Mexico sponsered the show.
Abrazos del Alma(Hugs from the Heart)
In October, 2015, Abrazos del Alma showed at the Pacific International Quilt Festival. Santa Clara Convention Center October, 2015. It also was in the Mountain View Center Lobby Gallery. I participated in Open Studios (October 2016-2021). This is Santa Cruz County’s premier juried art tour.

Green Fish Among the Kelp(sold) is in Sandra Sider’s book, 1000 Inspirations.

Five of my art quilts are on permanent display at Kaiser Permanente’s Santa Cruz County California facilities
Santa Cruz Art League(SCAL)www.scal.org
Studio Art Quilt Associates(SAQA)www.saqa.com
Pajaro Valley Quilt Association(PVQA) www.pvqa.org
Parliamentarian(2005-2007) President(2007-2009) Secretary(2012-2013)
San Jose Quilt Museum sjquiltmuseum.org
Pajaro Valley Arts http://https://pvarts.org/