Weird Questions and Comments

What are people thinking when they ask weird questions and comments? Meeting with the public to share one’s art is always opening one up to an unknown experience. In reality that is part of the fun. Yet, at times it is difficult to know what the people are thinking. This blogpost shares some unusual questions and comments that I have received.

Vacant Lot 43″ x 31″ 109 x79cm

At a recent First Friday Art Tour, I had a large tree art quilt on display Vacant Lot, 43″ x 31″ 109 x 79cm on display. A young woman showed interest in the piece. She explained that she was an artist. She wanted to learn more about the process. I explained the process of creating the piece with the fabric layering technique on a table, creating the scene and then free motion quilting the layers together. Her weird question,Is it was easy to do?

Is that Easy to Do?

Well, anything is easy if one knows how to do it. But it is not easy if one doesn’t know how to sew or quilt. Above all,the free motion quilting technique is the highest level of quilting. It is not done by beginners. Much practice is needed to accomplish mastery. I am not sure exactly how I responded to her weird comment. However, her question stayed with me. I hope my answer advanced her understanding of art quilts in spite of her weird questions, requests and comments.

Another Unusual Request

The month that I moved into my first studio outside of my home in 2016,I received an unusual request. A local gallery was hosting a film festival for a weekend. They needed help with the acoustics. The curator asked if I would hang my quilts on the walls of the gallery during the showing. Furthermore,they insisted I bring just my largest art work. Although I was occupied with the move, I happily hung my largest art quilts.

Is Art Quilting Expensive?

While talking to someone at an art event, they mentioned how expensive art quilting is. The fabric is so expensive. Yes, fabric is expensive. Yet, I disagreed with them since I generally don’t buy fabric. I shared other sources than retail to obtain material. I explained my sources of fabric. My favorite is a local nonprofit gathers high end designer fabrics and makes them available to the public for a donation. Furthermore,my guild has an annual flea market that sells all kinds of material. Fabric is available at yard sales or second hand shops..Sometimes when people find out I use fabric they will gift me fabric. I realise it takes a while to build up a stash of fabric. Yet she seemed open to these ideas. As a public school teacher I definitely did not have a lot of extra funds to spend on gathering store bought fabrics.

Overheard Conversation at an Art Quilters meeting

Fast forward- At a subsequent large gathering for art quilters,I overheard two friends discussing the merits of their new Tesla vehicles. Yes, the meeting took place in Silicon Valley. Still, that conversation caught my attention forcing me to eat my words a bit.

I enjoy meeting and engaging with the public. I listen to them their thoughts and experiences. Their words often stick with me as these did.

Unexpected Comments About my Art

Unexpected comments about my art came from people who originally had no interest in my passion. I understand that everyone is not going to be interested in art quilts. It is a bit of a niche. There are those who love model train displays. I am not one of those people. So I understand when someone is not interested in what I do.Yet, turning someone into a fan can be amazing.

Desert Mountains, 22″x 18″ 56 x 46 cm Mountain landscape art quilt in greens and gold

Turning Someone into a Fan

A recent post of mine about the history of art quilting drew a lengthy and positive response from an unlikely source. I often see this person at the gym. Occasionally we chat. The morning of its publication we were in the locker room at the same time.

She said,” I want to thank you for your post explaining about the history of art quilts. I had no idea. You did such a great job of explaining and promoting the art quilt. A family member of mine was a trained artist. My family was into art. But I didn’t know anything about art quilts. Furthermore, I had no interest at all. But your post made me take a look at your art. You certainly have done a lot of work. We talk occasionally but her lengthy conversation surprised me a bit. I had unexpectedly turned someone into a fan.

turning someone into a fan
In the Shadow of the Mountain, 25″ x 20″

An Older Example of Turning Someone into a Fan

I began my art quilt path about 2009 before I retired. Subsequently,I began sharing my upcoming shows with the staff at my school site. A respected teacher that I had worked with for years basically said that she had no interest in hearing about the show I was promoting. I appreciate honesty. I knew to not bother her in the future.

Fast forward ahead several years, I published my website. This person reached out to me with useful suggestions. One of them being that I highlight the artwork on the first page of my website rather than having my biography first. Needlessto say, I heeded her advice.

She also had this comment that I saved for its content and eloquence. “When is a quilt not a quilt? When you do the playful, intuitive, adventurous thing that you do with color, form and texture creating the unique, painting-like quality of your quilt pieces. You turn quilting on its head! “from a colleague

Most importantly,that same person commented at a later date about one of my art quilts that “It dances!” Just the mark I often shoot for. Turning someone into a fan inspires me.

My Own Movie Moment

During the 2023 Silicon Valley Open Studios event, I had a When Harry met Sally movie movement. Not the one in the restaurant with Harry and Sally but the other restaurant scene. The blind date with best friends, Jess and Marie where Marie repeats what Jess had written in a magazine.

While chatting with a visitor to my booth, she mentioned that the best place to view art is at a medical facility. I listened as she explained that she saw the most incredible fabric tree the previous day at Kaiser Permanente in Scotts Valley, California. Kaiser Permanente in Scotts Valley had previously purchased two of my fabric trees several years ago. I said that most likely it was one of my pieces. The lady was so excited to meet the artist of the piece she had loved seeing so recently. She couldn’t resist buying her own tree art quilt. This was the first time anyone had described one of my own pieces back to me. It was so exciting that it felt like my own movie moment.

One of the fun things about showing my work is the comments that people make. “How fun! “How unique! ” “I love your work.” Yet for acquaintainces to take the time to communicate an in depth message about my work is truly special. Turning someone into a fan is even more compelling when their original interest was nonexistent. Learn more at the Studio Art Quilt Associates website, the art quilt professional organization.

Interacting with the Public was like Being in a Movie

I felt like I was in a movie and other observations from the Silicon Valley Open Studios, May 2023. Above all, I always look forward to interacting with the art public. The recent Open Studios in Sunnyvale did not fail me. Here I share the most interesting tidbits.

My Very Own Movie Moment

During the 2023 SVOS event, I had a When Harry Met Sally movie movement. Not the one in the restaurant with Harry and Sally but the other restaurant scene. The blind date with best friends, Jess and Marie where Marie repeats what Jess had written in a magazine. 

The Best Art is in a Medical Facility!

Surprisingly,a visitor to my booth mentioned that the best place to see art is in a medical facility. She continued to explain that she had seen the most wonderful art quilt the previous day at Kaiser in Scotts Valley, CA. She gushingly explained how excited she was to see this piece. Kaiser in Scotts Valley had purchased one of my fabric trees several years ago. I said I think that the art quilt you saw  is one of my pieces. The lady was so excited to meet the artist of the piece she had loved seeing so recently. She couldn’t resist buying her own tree art quilt. This was the first time anyone had described one of my pieces back to me. So much so that interacting with the art public felt like my own movie moment.

During the weekend’s show, two different single men without women asked me if I had been to Paducah. What? Most people, let alone men, don’t know about Paducah, KY. The town of Paducah is synonymous with great quilt making. It is even nicknamed “The Quilt City.” Every year, QuiltWeek Paducah attracts thousands of people.

The Cove 8″ x 8″ 20 x 20 cm

Many times I hear artists say I just finished this piece and now it is sold! Well, that rarely happens to me. My pieces tend to stick around for a few years or more before finding a new home. That changed this weekend. A desert inspired piece, The Cove 8” x 8” 20 x 20 cm made in 2023 did go home with someone else! All in all, interacting with the art public made for a fun weekend.

Learn more about art quilts at (Studio Art Quilt Associates)

How to Talk to the Public about your Art

Talking to the public about your art is important. However, it is not always an easy thing for artists to do. My home town has a vibrant art scene. Long before I had even considered becoming a quilt artist, I attended local art shows. Naturally, I was drawn to the fiber arts. During this time I had several experiences that informed my later experiences dealing with the public.

Talking to an Artist

At one art event the artist made beautiful artful jackets. I wanted to say something. Yet, I had no idea what to say. I just admired her work. Perhaps I would just say,” Hey,I sew too.” I had no clue as to what I expected her to say.

Knowing how to Engage the Public

Knowing how to engage the public can be difficult. I patiently waited while she spoke with someone else she seemed to know well. When their conversation was over, she turned and walked in the opposite direction from me. It was obvious that I had been waiting to talk to her. Much disappointment on my part. I don’t know what I expected but being left alone was not it. Instead of connecting with a fan, she literally turned her back on her public. Why did she do this? Was she shy? Possibly? or uncomfortable speaking to strangers? Not comfortable talking about her art? It is hard for me to know. It is likely one of these issues.

Another Fiber Artist

Another time a few years later, I spoke with a fiber artist. She cut up antique paper to create abstract art. Having viewed her art several times, I really liked it. The conversation went something like this. “I think you are my favorite artist.” Dead silence.I am not sure what I expected her to say. But what I didn’t expect was nothing. No response from the artist. Aren’t we generally taught to at least say thank you when someone gives one a compliment? It seems that she missed an opportunity to talk about her work. She could have asked me which was my favorite piece or maybe given me a sales pitch of some kind.

What I have Noticed as a Artist

Now that I am an artist, I am on the receiving side of comments. I have noticed that sometimes the public will make unusual comments. The public is not always sure of what to say. At times it comes out strange. Sadly, I can’t remember an example to share. Yet,I believe that people just want to make a connection with the artist.

Don’t get Waylaid by a Weird Comment

Rather getting stuck on responding to the weird comment, I usually just take it that the person wants to interact with the artist. So I reply with information about myself. For example, I talk about my three portfolios, how I got started in quilts and then switched to art quilts.This tactic has proven successful.

One Visitor’s Technique

Many visitors return each month on the First Fridays Art Tour.One such visitor to my studio always said “What is new? Show me your new work.” His young son came in alone while his father remained next door with another artist. The son also asked the same thing. They had a practiced system for engaging artists. Artists can develop a similar plan.

What I Learned

What I learned from these experiences. Obviously artists are all different individuals with unique personalities. Meeting the public is not easy for many.Talking about ourselves or our work is also something people are often not comfortable with. How to fix this situation?

Be Prepared.

Talking to the public and knowing what to say takes practice. Create a laser statement about your work. This is often called an elevator speech. Describe how you work in a few sentences. Practice so that you are comfortable with what you want to say. It could include a bit about your background, inspirations, art process or how long you have been doing art. Remember that you are basically inviting the public into your space. It is your job to make them feel comfortable. It is your party! Welcome your guests!

Be aware of how you are using the phrase, thank you. Thank you is often used in several different ways without us being aware of it. One way that we use it is to end a conversation or transaction. In the art world, we want to keep the conversation focussed on our art. After an artful compliment, follow up with your motivation or inspiration for the piece. Practice makes perfect. Pertaining to a sale, I was once advised to say,”Congratulations on purchasing a piece of art” rather than thank you. By using this phrase, the conversation is elevated for the better.

Treating people with respect is a definite. Respond as you would normally with a direct response. Speak to others as you would like to be spoken to. Relax, smile and do your best. It will get easier.

I recently sold a piece at a First Fridays event. The person loved the small Mexican inspired art quilt. As we finished the transaction, he specifically thanked me for explaining my work to him.

Build on Previous Successes

Often times artists enter the art world after success and experience in other fields. Many of the skills from other jobs transfer well to the second career as an artist. Written and oral communication skills,organizational skills, computer skills and cross job descriptions. Rely on those skills to build your confidence in your new career.

Be Intuitive.

Being intuitive when engaging the public can help you decide the direction of conversation. Recognize that all conversations will not result in a sale. Many people begin sharing about their family’s experience with quilts. If they have a family heirloom at home, will they want to buy another one from you? That is unlikely, in my opinion. Are they fellow quilters? Then they may be interested in your materials and what your process is. Are they beginning to move into the art realm? Maybe they would like to sign up for a class or mentoring.

Knowing when Not to Talk.

Knowing when not to talk to the public is important too. Picking up on little clues helps. Being in the moment helps. During one Open Studios event, a couple came in. They looked around a lot and seemed interested. I tried to engage them in conversation on several topics without much luck. They were not speaking much to each other either. I kept quiet. Later I realized that they were in disagreement as to which piece to buy. My discussion was getting in the way. They bought a large underwater fantasy. Yet, this couple did not desire a lot of interaction.

Get Help.

It is fairly difficult for all artists to possess the wide range of skills necessary for an art career. One should consider developing the skills that they lack. If that is not possible, then get help. If you find that it is just too much for you to interact with the public, find a friend or family member to help you. There is nothing like having someone else singing the praises of your work or what you have accomplished. Especially if they do it in a professional way.

Ways to engage the public.

Disclaimer- I am not an expert on communications. There are many great articles on the internet on this topic. That said my first career as a teacher required me to speak to awide range of people.

Dress the Part.

I like to dress the part something on the artistic side that might identify me as the artist. Before I even say anything, they know that they are in my space. This is time to put on your professional hat. I wouldn’t wear a paint splattered shirt. But that is me. If you are showing your work in the hopes of selling it, then it is the time to show your professional side.

Greet People

Greet people. Make them welcome in your space. Let them know that you are the artist. During First Fridays I display my art in the lobby of the Art Center. My studio is a small area in an unusual corner that is not always obvious. So I point out where my studio is. I bring out my work for First Fridays Art Tour and our annual Open Studios. What is obvious to you may not be obvious to the first time visitor. Use a simple explanation of your situation or layout to engage them.

Practice makes perfect. Think ahead of time of certain information that you would like to share with the public. How long you have been working on your craft? What is your process like? Where do you get your materials? What are you inspired by? Talk about your newest pieces.These are just examples. Speaking to strangers about your art does become easier with practice.

Artist made fabric business card about 3" x 4"  8 cm x 10 cm A good way to engage with the public.
Artist made fabric business card about 3″ x 4″ 8 cm x 10 cm
Artist made fabric business card about 3" x 4"  8 cm x 10 cm A good way to engage with the public.
Artist made fabric business card about 3″ x 4″ 8 cm x 10 cm

Listening to what someone is saying is important. Each art show is an opportunity to learn and develop one’s skills. Keep an open mind. Every conversation is not about making a sale. Enjoy. Feel out the situation. Be authentic. Some people want to talk while others don’t. One has to be open to either situation.

Remember Maya Angelou’s quote,”I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Did the visitor feel welcome? Did the visitor learn something about your art? Talking to the public is what Open Studios is all about.

Issues I need to work on

Issues I need to work on while talking to the public.My town is on the tourist trail. I often ask where they are from. That is fine. My mistake is that I will talk about a trip I took to their area rather than drawing attention to my art or my process. Some topics are easier to talk about than myself and my art. I need to direct the conversation to my art and my process.

Engaging with a Fellow Fiber Artist

More recently I went to a local arts fair. I wanted to connect with a fellow fiber artist. He sold jackets with ethnic fabrics as I often used. Mentioning that I have made my own clothes and now I do art quilts. Furthermore I commented that I had just spoken with a fellow artist who was wearing a vest he had made. I was looking for an artist to artist conversation. But this fellow couldn’t switch gears. He kept showing me fabrics that he had available to make a jacket out of. Listening and switching gears can be hard.

The Story Continues

The story continues. A few months after our first encounter this artist came to my studio. I was in the middle of a project. Yet, he popped in and said, “I just wanted to say hi. Don’t want to interrupt. I am also a maker. ” Oh, what kind of a maker are you? As he spoke I realized that I had met him before at this studio. I told him this. I mentioned that I had read something about his work in the local press. His demeanor was quite different from our first meeting. We all have our bad nights. We all just need to do our best and be kind to one another. The important thing is to listen and learn from our experiences. My impression of him is totally different after our second encounter.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, thank you for letting me share some experiences that informed how I talk with the public. Be yourself. But make the people feel comfortable entering your special space. Knowing what to say to engage the public takes practice in order for it to become second nature. With time it should become easier. Enjoy the time sharing your art.
