Racism:In the Face of Hate We Resist Show

Let Us Breathe, Ann Baldwin May

Racism: In the Face of Hate We Resist,the show  of art quilts at the Textile Center of Minneapolis was originally planned to take place during the one year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi,the curator along with the Textile Center planned a full week of activities. Artists were encouraged to attend. Safety conditions were in place.Racism:In the Face of Hate We Resist was only one of seven shows curated this year by Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi. However, the unforeseen timing of events necessitated changes.

Two figures with a
African clothing with red,white and blue hearts on a multi skincolored pieced background.
Let Us Breathe,37″ x 35″ 2020

Minneapolis in the News

Racism:In the Face of Hate We Resist

Various news stories from Minneapolis graced the front pages these last few weeks of April, 2021;   accountability for the murder of George Floyd and the passing of a great American leader and favorite son, Walter Mondale. At the very last minute the Center scaled back the events. The curator agreed due to the tense atmosphere.We are all grateful that events proved peaceful in Minneapolis.

Moving  the Show Forward-

The Smithsonian Museum plans on exhibiting selected pieces from the Racism:In the Face of Hate We Resist show. The show could not include the large number of  art quilts. Purchase of several art quilts by the Smithsonian is also in the works!!!!!

On with the virtual show,

Racism:In the Face of Hate We Resist

From the Virtual Exhibition of Racism:In the Face of Hate We Resist at the Textile Center, Minneapolis, MN from their website

An international juried exhibition featuring 63 quilts, Racism: In the Face of Hate We Resistshares stories of resistance and fortitude that have been integral to the survival of Black people in America.

This exhibition is part of Textile Center and Women of Color Quilters Network’s We Are the Story initiative. The exhibition took place in 2021.

Why is being Respectful So Political? Political Art Quilts

Honoring Black Men2020, 11" x 11.5" $125.

Political Quilts Twenty Twenty

It has been said for example that if you don’t care about politics, then you don’t care about life. Politics and life are inseparable. I made these Political Quilts 2020 this Spring in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. In addition,they also speak to the call for attention to the human treatment of immigrants and respect for the essential workers. Similarly,the positive messages of these quilts are of brotherhood and respect.

For a Juried Art Show

For example,Let Us Breathe,(Political Quilts Twenty Twenty)shows a black man and a black woman dressed in African fabrics on a background of many different skin tones. In addition,a shiny red, white, and blue heart decoration speaks to their allegiance to the United States. In short,people can love their country and honor their ancestral roots simultaneously.

Let Us Breathe,Political Quilts 2020
Let Us Breathe,20202, 37″ x 35″, $3200.

An Immigrant Couple

Furthermore,The Border Crossed Us shows an immigrant couple on a background of multicolored skin tones. Most importantly,many of the immigrants from south of the border are indigeous peoples.

The Border Crossed Us,Political Quilts 2020
The Border Crossed Us, 34″ x 30″ $3200.

Honoring Black Men is a smaller piece with the same theme of respect. In the samevein,a disrespect of one is a disrespect for all.

Honoring Black Men
Honoring Black Men,2020, 11″ x 11.5″ $125.

More Political Quilts Twenty Twenty

Petite Field in Spring is a small art quilt highlighting immigrant workers.

Petite Field in Spring
Petite Field in Spring, 2020, 10″ x 12″, $125.

Essential is another small art quilt showing essential workers in a positive fun light.Furthermore, how would we have made it through 2020 without them.

Essential,Political Quilts 2020
Essential,2020, 9.5″ x 10.5″, $125.

Another fun piece, Star of the Show uses Guatemalan fabric for the lady’s dress.

Star of the Show
Star of the Show, 10″ x 11″

In conclusion,these past years  have been  difficult  due to the  attacks on the  truth, voting rights   and  the civil  rights of the minority groups in this country.   First of all, for  our democracy to survive and  thrive,  we  need  a strong education  system  that  is  free  to teach the truth.  Furthmore,everyone’s  vote  and  opinion  needs  to be  counted. Lastly, let there be equal  rights for all!



You may be interested in learning more about the history of political quilts.


