Art Quilters-See Fabric in a New Way

Art Quilters, see fabric in a new way. Above all, creating art is about seeing things in a new way. A class or video frees us to learn new techniques. However,the technique one uses is not the only part that makes the quilt an art quilt. Art quilters often use traditional quilting techniques and others to create something new. In this post, I will focus on seeing fabric, our basic material, in a new way.

Our Sight is Unique.

In reality, one’s sight is unique. No one sees things the same way. Moreover, our perception of colors is individual. In addition, hues change depending on what color is next to it. Furthermore,the amount of light available also affects the way we see colors. Nonetheless,knowing these things frees me to not worry so much about having to find the perfect color. Numerous variables affect the hues and values anyway.

Remember, vision actually takes place in the brain. Connect with what your brain is saying. However,make sure your brain is not sending you negative talk. But truly observe the lines,shapes, and images printed on the fabric. Consider how they could be used and perceived in a unique way.

See Fabric in a New Way

While pondering a piece of fabric,a quilter might start with how one would normally use the fabric. Start there. But then quickly leave that thought behind. Imagine a different way to use the fabric. One that you haven’t done before.

Yet, how do we truly see fabric in a new way? Turn the fabric upside down or sideways. Use the back side of the fabric instead of the front. Furthermore,look at parts of the fabric that can be cut and used differently. Large flowers or other large prints may be cut into smaller pieces to become parts of something else. Make your work impressionistic. Let the viewer decide what they think something is.

See Fabric in a New Way
Rebirth of a Forest

Limit the Line of Vision

Some people find it helpful to limit their line of vision. Use a small empty photo frame or cutout cardboard frame to focus one’s eye.For example,move the frame around on top of the fabric while blocking out the rest. Some find it easier to focus their attention with this simple tool.Use this to choose a part of the fabric that you want to use in a new way.

A Personal Example

Rebirth of a Forest with a coffee bean fabric used as a trunk,29" x 22"  73cm x 56cm
Rebirth of a Forest 29″ x 22″ 73cm x 56cm

May I share a personal example? I had fabric printed with what looked like whole coffee beans to me. Nonetheless,that is what I was reminded of. I couldn’t get that image out of my brain. I tried to see the fabric in a new way. Then I thought that maybe others wouldn’t see coffee beans. It became the trunk of a tree in Rebirth of a Forest after our devastating forest fire. Similarly, practice looking at the fabric in a new way.

Steamy Rainforest,an art quilt, 15" x 15" 38cm x 38cm gold and green with an iguana and blue dragonflies.
Steamy Rainforest,an art quilt, 15″ x 15″ 38cm x 38cm
Mexican Iguana, an art quilt,23" x 21" 58cm x 53cm golden background with an blue and green iguana.
Mexican Iguana, an art quilt,23″ x 21″ 58cm x 53cm

Other Ideas-Reimagine the Fabrics

Start with a fabric that you normally might not use. Maybe choose a so called ugly fabric. How would you make it appear better? For instance, what can you put next to it so that looks more pleasing? If you usually use one fabric style, attempt to use it in a way that you have never have. For example, I recently used Guatemalan fabrics to create the branches and foliage in landscape quilts, Mexican Iguana and Steamy Rainforest. Previously I had used the Guatemalan fabric only as a strip or a block. Furthermore,imagine a different way to use a fabric from what you usually do. Above all any new skill, practice is important. Moreover,practice takes time.

Skies Over Lake Atitlan, 24" x 29" 61 cm x74 cm blocks of Guatemalan fabrics in blues and greens
Skies Over Lake Atitlan, 24″ x 29″ 61 cm x74 cm,an art quilt. This is how I would normally use Guatemalan fabrics.

New Colors

Try colors that you are not comfortable with. Furthermore, a new color combination is a good way to shake patterns up. If this is difficult for you, just change the hues and tones of fabric as a baby step. Practice with a small piece if necessary.

Let the Fabric Help You

How can the fabric help you with something new? We have all tried to find shapes and figures in clouds. Think of it that way. Multicolored batiks and other fabrics can add colors and shapes. What do you see in their fabric patterns? Then cut them out and use them in this new way.

A New Style of Fabric

Choose a different style of fabric from what you usually use.If you usually use stripes, try a batik. Use the fabric for a totally different way. The result will be surprising. Use large Asian flower fabrics as a rock. When cutting or designing a shape, imagine the fabric as material. Ignore the print that normally grabs your eye. Once I chose a fabric based only on the curved lines. It was only later that I saw that the lines were actually greyhounds dogs.

Tree art quilt with the branches made from black,white and grey fabric with greyhounds on it.25" x 23" 64cm x 58cm
Skyward, 25″ x 23″ 64cm x 58cm art quilt made from greyhound dog fabric
Original grey, black and white fabric with greyhound dogs on it. Embellished with couched threads.
Can you see the dogs underneath the couched threads?

Ways to Focus on the Fabric

Notice the lines and shapes of the objects printed on tbe fabric. What do they remind you of? Practice seeing something unique that the manufacturer didn’t plan.The result may be surprising. Reimagine the fabrics to add a new spark to your art quilts.

Focus on the positive space and negative spaces. Positive space is the object itself. Negative space is the space around it that is not the object. Focus on the angles and lines both horizontal and vertical. How can they be highlighted in a new way? Notice the shapes, contours, shadows, and groups of lines of the object rather than the object. This is not easy at first. Give yourself time to practice seeing things differently.

Don’t be Afraid to cut up Fabric.

So often I hear people say that they love the fabric so much that they don’t want to cut it up. Or that they are afraid that cutting the fabric will ruin it. This thought pattern prevents one from trying new things. One must move past these thoughts to create art. Enjoy the fabric for a while but not forever before using.

Bag of Cultural Gems, Mexican inspired Art quilt  29" x 22" 74 cm x 56cm See Fabric in a New Way
Bag of Cultural Gems with Day of the Dead fabric 29″ x 22″ 74 cm x 56cm

True Confession Time

I confess that I had a piece a fabric for a long time without cutting it. A Day of the Dead Mexican skeleton fabric hung on the back of my studio door a long time. Then I cut it up and used it in several art quilts.

Another confession I have to make is I tried making landscape quilts matching the items printed on the fabric to the scene I wanted to make. I searched for rocks printed on fabric. To be honest this gave me a supreme headache. I am not prone to headaches. It was not fun either. I have since chosen to create my own rocks.I use both solid fabric and printed fabrics. However,the printed fabric is not printed with rocks.

Overlook, 35" x 26"   89 cm x 66cm tree art quilt on a hill showing an example of solid fabric rocks.The tree truck is made from a floral piece of linen, couched with yarn.
Overlook, 35″ x 26″ 89 cm x 66cm Notice the of solid fabric rocks. The tree truck is made from a floral piece of linen, couched with yarn.

In Conclusion

Reimagine the fabric to add a new spark to your art quilts. I offer different ideas to use in a wide ranges of techniques and skill level. Some lend themselves to one technique over another. For example, cutting out fabric and adding to a landscape art quilts may be an easy place to start. However, continue exploring. Small changes can have a big affect.

Take baby steps. It can be scary to try something new. Give yourself time to get used to it. Like any new skill, practice is important. Practice takes time. We all get stuck in a rut. It is easy and comfortable to do things the same way that we have always done.

An artist is curious and open to new things. Being creative starts with asking questions? How can I make this better or different? What if I did this a different way? Experiment. Move away from the conventional. Take what you learned in a class and make it your own.Create a point of view and share it with the world. Begin by seeing fabric differently.

I hope that these ideas inspire you. I would love to see what you come up with.

Find a Way to Cheat in Quilting

Finding a way to cheat in quilting is a way of letting the fabric do the heavy lifting.Naturally when I suggest a fabric artist to find a way to cheat, I am not suggesting anything illegal. However, I suggest that the background fabric can help you create your art piece. In addition,let the color and design of the fabric add to the work. Fabric collage art brings together smaller pieces to form a unique work of art. Read about background fabric and fabric collage examples.

A whole cloth  with a quilting pattern printed on it known as a cheater cloth.Find a Way to  Cheat
A whole cloth with a quiltlike pattern known as a cheater cloth.

Cheater Cloth has been available for a long time.

Unbelievably, cheater cloth has been around for longer than you would think. Surprisingly, it appeared as early as 1850. A cheater cloth is a whole piece of cloth printed with usually with a traditional quilt pattern. In other words, it is a short cut for some who wants to quilt quickly. In this way, a person can quilt without having to sew the fabric pieces together. However, to be clear I am not suggesting that one use one of these traditional creater cloths in their art work.

Detail of a cheater cloth, a whole piece of fabric that is printed to look like a quilt Find a Way to  Cheat
A detail of a cheater cloth that looks like it has hand embroidery sewn on it.

Using Background Fabric to Find a Way to Cheat in Quilting.

Furthermore, it is only in this vein that I call myself a “cheater.” Use background fabric to do the heavy lifting in some pieces. Recently, a fellow artist commented that I had used some paint on an art quilt. Yet in reality it was a piece of fabric that looked like I had painted it. At times I will do the jaywalking of cheating. Select a background fabric that aides in forming depth in your art.

Find a Way to Cheat Yet Make it Your Own.

Here is an art quilt with a multicolored whole cloth as the background. Find a Way to  Cheat
Here is Beach Tree,2021,an art quilt with a multicolored whole cloth as the background.

Beach Tree, 43″ x 29″ 109 cm x 74cm began with a whole piece of fabric with blended blues and greens. Above all,the multi colored background reminds me of the seashore. Because I live in Surf City, this worked for me. Next,I created a magenta tree on top. Then,I added foliage and leaves to create a tree that is uniquely mine. Indeed,this is the type of cheating that I am suggesting. Use a fabric to enhance your art work. Consequently,add to the design to make it your own. Find a way to cheat in quilting legally.

November Skies,2013, an art quilt of three cranes flying across a blue grey sky.
Find a Way to  Cheat
November Skies,2013

In November Skies, I cut shades of gray, violet and blue clouds to form the background sky. Rocks and plants fill the foreground. Decorative threads imitate birds flying in the distance. Finally, I cut three flying cranes from an Asian inspired piece of fabric. The birds enhance my work with a bit of elegance that I could not have created on my own. I finished the piece by covering with tulle netting. Then I free motion quilted the whole piece.

Moon Ove Slough, an art quilt of greens and browns
Moon Over Slough,2018

Moon Over Slough,21″ x 21″ 53 cm x 53cm uses a multicolored fabric for the background to create layers in the landscape. The moon,slough plants and rocks finish the landscape. The impressionistic lines reach out to the viewer. Are they mountains? water? or sand? The viewer becomes involved in making their own mind up about the piece.

Kelp Dwellers, an art quilt of underwater life
Kelp Dwellers,2018

Kelp Dwellers, 25″ x 25″ 63 cm x 63cm started with a discontinued abstract multicolored sheer fabric sample. There is so much diversity of fauna,flora and movement under the water. Any fish that I cut out can probably be found under the water. I call these pieces Underwater Fantasies because accuracy is not the goal. Sheer and reflective fabrics help to create a sense of wonder.

My Background Fabric

detail of Overlook, art quilt of a tree Find a Way to  Cheat
detail of Overlook,35″ x 26″ 89 cm x 66cm,2018

Sometimes I cheat with my own work. The sky background is a piece of cloth I dyed in an indigo class. Actually the fabric is the piece that I used to wrap up my work during the process. In this landscape art quilt,Overlook, it worked to create a cloud filled sky as the backdrop to my tree and owl on a hillside.

Adding Little People

The designers of fabric works hard to create interesting designs. There are so many designs to choose from. This is what encourages the public to buy so much fabric. The designs may be of people, birds, or animals. Those of use who are not strong in drawing can cut out a picture from the fabric. Use it in a fabric collage or art quilt. This is a legal way to use someone else’s work.

Here are a couple of whimsical fabric collages that I made at the beginning of my art quilt career. Without the charming fabric of the little people and the bright colors, the effect wouldn’t be the same.

Teaching, the Toughest Job You'll Ever Love , a whimsical, colorful art quilt featuring young children and their interests.
Teaching, the Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love 1, 2012

This art quilt,Teaching, the Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love 1, 48″ x 43″ 122 cm x 109cm is a fabric collage of brightly colored child friendly fabrics. Some small pieces of fabric are fused on. I added 3D flowers, a golden heart and 3D stars to the quilt top. The lettering is bias tape.

A colorful whimsical art quilt featuring  children and their interests.
Teaching, the Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love 2, 2013

Furthermore, I had so much fun creating the first piece I decided to create another.This art quilt,Teaching, the Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love 2 is a bit smaller, 27″ x 26″ 69cm x 66cm. Yet, I again used fused pieces and 3D objects added the pieced fabric top.

In Conclusion

It is my hope that you will become inspired to try these techniques. They are another skill to add to your toolkit. Creating a unique piece of artwork that could only be yours is the goal.

You may also be interested in reading more.

Add Unusual Animals to your Art Quilt

Bloom of Jellies

Looking to add unusual animals to your Art Quilt?

Nature themes lend themselves to including unusual animals in art quilts. I often add dragonflies, fish, and jellies to my seascapes or landscapes. My preferred technique for landscape fabric collage is the fabric layering technique. I create a fiber scene on a table and quilt all of the layers together to make a piece of wall art.

A Dragonfly is an Insect.

A local gallery recently had a call for entry for  insects. Of course, small creeping animals were my first thought.  I would normally not choose to include bugs in my art .But I continued pondering and I  remembered that dragonflies and butterflies are also insects. I choose to try my hand at dragonflies since they are a local favorite. Butterflies are beautiful but overdone in my view as small creatures in art quilts.

Small Creatures in Art Quilts, teal dragonflies on a cream background with plants and rocks.17"x 15" 43cm x 38cm
Teal Dragonflies 17″x 15″ 43cm x 38cm SOLD!

Sea Dragons

Sea dragons are a facinating cousin to a sea horse.   My first thought when I saw one was, was it an animal or was it a plant? I was totally fooled. I love the impressionistic feel that it brings to my art. Each viewer can choose what they wish to envision. Sea horses and seadragons are smaller creatures than expected.Sometimes the differently colored seadragons blend in with their surroundings.

Small Creatures in Art Quilts, a light green seadragon underwater
Light Green Seadragon
A large pink seadragons swimming among fish and kelp.26" x 22"  66cm x 56cm
Swimming with Seadragons 26″ x 22″ 66cm x 56cm


Some of the small animals  in my work stand out and some don’t.
I created these seadragons using thread painting. Sheer fabric fish create a layered look to the seascape.

Sea Dragons in the Golden Kelp,32" h x 22" w 81cm x 56cm seadragions and fish swimming in this underwater fantasy
Sea Dragons in the Golden Kelp,32″ h x 22″ w 81cm x 56cm


Small Creatures in Art Quilts, lots of jellies swimming in this blue and pink background underwater. 15" x 14" 38cm x 36cm
Bloom of Jellies, 15″ x 14″ 38cm x 36cm

Jellies add a fun, whimsical feel to my art. Don’t say jellyfish because they are not fish!Decorative threads for the tentacles add a bit of whimsy and recreate a swaying movement of the water.

Small Creatures in Art Quilts, jellies swimming in the deep sea 12" x 13"  31 cm x 33cm
Jellies in the Deep, 12″ x 13″ 31 cm x 33cm

In conclusion, these small creatures, fish, seadragons, jellies and dragonflies occur often in my art quilts.  They are my favorites to create. I like using sheer fabrics to add dimension. Decorative threads are fun and add interest. Impressionistic scenes allow the viewer to become involved and form their own conclusions about what is there.

Learning more about the actual animals.

Learn more about the fabric layering technique.

Many of my seascapes and landscapea are available at my etsy shop.

Marine Life in Art Quilts

Deep Blue Sea,37" h x 24" w
Lime sea dragon art on a throw pillow, 14" x 14"
Lime sea dragon art on a throw pillow 14″ x 14″ 35cm x 35 cm

Marine Life in Art Quilts

Above all,marine life is front and center in my home town of Santa Cruz,California. For example,this is where three young princes of Hawaii first surfed in North America on July 19, 1885 on large redwood boards. In addition,Santa Cruz is at the top of the Monterey Bay with the world class aquarium just an hour away. The area is also home several national marine research facilities. Surf City, U.S.A takes its marine life seriously.

Art Ranks High too.

However,Santa Cruz is also listed as fifth in the nation as an artistic destination. That is to say that many artists live in the county. That is to say that marine life and art come together in this newer genre of art quilts. Come be inspired to try it yourself!

A Visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium

In the beginning when I first started making marine life art quilts, I visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium. In other words, I wanted to   observe the fish. What do their mouths look like? What shapes are their tails? My intention was to create a accurate picture of the sealife. However, that idea went out the window very quickly. In conclusion,there is no one way that a fish’s mouth looks. The variety of shapes and forms is endless. My underwater fantasy portfolio was born. In addition, I was free to create an animal in any way I wanted because there was probably a fish that looked that way somewhere.

Deep Blue Sea,Marine Life in Art Quilts 37" h x 24" w blue and rose colored underwater fantasy with fish and plants
Deep Blue Sea,37″ h x 24″ w 94cm x 61cm

Sea Dragons at the Aquarium

Similarly, I saw my first sea dragon at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was that a plant? Was that an animal? It was impossible to tell. I was fascinated. Ever since that day, I have been incorporating sea dragons into my art.

Technically,sea dragons are cousins to the sea horse. What? It is hard to believe. Sadly for us humans, the sea dragon display is not longer at the aquarium. Happily for the sea dragons, they have been returned to their natural habitat in the waters of the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary. However, they may be on display at another aquarium.

Swimming With Sea Dragons, an art quilt, 26" h x 22"w Pink seadragon swimming with kelp and fish light blue background
Swimming With Sea Dragons, an art quilt, 26″ h x 22″w

Color,Texture and Movement lead the Way!

I explored creating marine plants and animals using the fabric layering technique. In the same way, I added texture and movement to each piece! Color,texture and movement lead the way! Lots of thick decorative threads add texture and life to the underwater rocks. In addition, in Sea Dragons in the Golden Kelp, I created the animals by thread painting on Sulky water soluable fabric stabilizer.This thread painting technique creates lacy and leafy animals. Use one’s imagination to see animals among the plants.

Seadragons in the Golden Kelp 32" x 22"  81cm x 56cm  on a deep purple background
Seadragons in the Golden Kelp 32″ x 22″ 81cm x 56cm
Marine Life in Art Quilts
Life Among the Seaweed, 26″ h x 22 ” w 66cm x 56cm
Violet Seascape,33″ h x 26″ w
84 cm x 66 cm

Furthermore, underwater fantasies lend themselves to the use of sheer fabrics. Who knows what shadowy beings are lurking in the depths? Shiny, reflective fabrics cut into the shapes of fish and marine life add a dimension that often only becomes visible is a certain light. What a surprise! What fun!

Large Spotted Fish, 17 " x 17" blue and orange art quilt with decorative threads
Large Spotted Fish, 17 ” x 17″
43cm x 43 cm

In Conclusion

In conclusion, underwater seascapes lend themselves to different colors, textures, and techniques. Create a fun marine world!

In addition you may read more here about the actual fabric layering technique I use. Follow the step by step procedure to make your own underwater seascape.

These sites may be of interest to you also.

Soar with the Birds in These Art Quilts

Pelican in the Mist
Birds in Art Quilts,Nesting Pelican 28" x 20" 71cm x 51cm bird hidden in bushes
Nesting Pelican 28″ x 20″
71cm x 51cm

    Birds in Art Quilts

Birds fill our world with color, sound and movement. One of my favorite places to be is outside, the natural habital for birds.True confessions time-Drawing is not one of my best skills. However,I can copy an outline of a bird. So  that is how I often incorporate birds into my art quilts. At this point in my life, I am working with my strengths.

Big Brown Owl,14 " x 15"  36cm x 38cm on a pieced golden background
Big Brown Owl,14 ” x 15″ 36cm x 38cm

Shelter in Place Art

Westlake Coot, Big Brown Owl and Westside Egret  were created during the first Shelter in Place. I only had limited materials with me,a large  bag with small squares. Created the background first, before I considered what would do on the top. Fabric is my first  motivation. How will the fabrics play together? Many times the subject matter, comes later. What subject would work with this background?  Birds against a sky was my first thought. Size and scale required a smaller scene. Why do a whole body of an egret when a neck supplies the viewer with enough information?

Westlake Coot,Birds in Art Quilts,black bird on blue background 14" x 15", 36cm x 38cm $120.
Westlake Coot, 14″ x 15″, 36cm x 38cm $120.
Birds in Art Quilts, head of egret on blue background Westside Egret, 15" x 16" 38cm x 40cm
Westside Egret, 15″ x 16″ 38cm x 40cm
Birds flying across the moon in the blue night sky. Night Migration,20" x 24" 51cm x 61cm
Night Migration,20″ x 24″ 51cm x 61cm

Never miss an opportunity to add texture.

A bird’s habitat is full of texture, trees, grasses and underbrush. Threads and found materials lend themselves well to creating an impressionistic view of an avian’s favorite place to be.

Snowy Egret,34" x 24",86 cm x 61cm white egret in the brush
Snowy Egret,34″ x 24″
86 cm x 61cm

Break Your Own Rules

Pelican in the Mist and Nesting Pelican break my rule for just doing bird outlines.   Looking at the light and dark stripes of redirected  piece of fabric reminded me of feathers. I cut the fabric and used the same fabric to make the wings,legs and the body of a pelican. An artist never knows where inspiration will come from. Take a chance.Sometimes things just work.

Pelican in the Mist,25" x 23", 64cm x 66cm pelican flapping wings
Pelican in the Mist,25″ x 23″ 64cm x 66cm

Water Fowl and Coastal Birds

Inspiration often comes from one’s locale. I live on the Central Coast of California. The second largest wetlands in the state, Elkhorn Slough  is not far away. Westlake Park with a spring fed pond is  adjacent to the local elementary school.

Staying close to home is what we all did this year. Be inspired by where you are.!

Learn more about the fabric layering technique-

Out on a Limb?Trees in Art Quilts

Old Orchard, 48" h x 34" w, an art quilt, $4900.
Vacant Lot, 43″ x 31″ 109 cm x 79 cm,$4900.

Trees in Art Quilts

First of all,trees in art quilts are my most popular pieces.Everyone loves trees. Above all,everyone can relate to the shape and various colors of trucks and leaves. Vacant Lot, is an early example  of one of my tree art quilts. Furthermore,five  of my art quilt  trees hang in local Santa Cruz County Kaiser Permanente Medical facilities.

Tree Friendly Town

I live in a tree friendly town. That is to say that Santa Cruz, California is part of the Tree City USA program. My county is full of fruit tree orchards as well as redwoods. Furthermore,the Spanish explorers saw their first redwood tree in Santa Cruz County. In addition, California’s first state park, Big Basin is also in my county. That is a lot of trees  for the second smallest county in California.

Of course,many locales are tree friendly places even if they not they are enrolled in the national urban tree program. We can all relate to trees and leaves; the forms they take and  the shapes they make. Creating trees lets me explore and expand my use of texture, color, and movement. Let me take this opportuntity to share my love of trees.

Adding Color

Young children and other people know what color a tree should be. We understand the general shape of a tree including the wide variety of sizes and forms. Adjust the color of a tree  to an  unnatural  color. Our brains will still recognize that it as  a tree. This is what makes it fun for  an artist.

Red tree on a white pieced background, Palo Colorado,34" x 32" 86cm x 81cm
Palo Colorado,34″ x 32″ 86cm x 81cm

Red and White Challenge

In 2013, my local quilting guild had a Red and White Challenge. Participants receive certain fabrics that must be used. Notice the red and white polka dot fabric. Additional fabrics and details were encouraged. I placed the red tree, Palo Colorado on a background of various pieced white fabrics with red hand stitching for accents.

Green teal tree with multicolored leaves falling 
Along the Path,34" h x 22" 86cm x 56cm
Along the Path,34″ h x 22″ 86cm x 56cm

Teal colored tree trunk and branches ? Not so common,nor are violet branches. I have received such a positive response from the movement of leaves extending beyond the edges of the art quilt that I have continued to do that.

At the Edge of the Grove,29"h x 26" 74cm x 66cm Orange and white tree on a deep green background
At the Edge of the Grove,29″h x 26″ 74cm x 66cm

What could be more fun than orange branches!

Trees in Art Quilts,Tree Along Creek,32" x 27" 81 cm x 69cm  Light green tree with leaves falling on a dark green background.
Tree Along Creek,32″ x 27″
81 cm x 69cm

This tree along the creek has  pale colored branches  with  bluish green tint from couched yarns and decorative threads. The pop of medium green comes from a piece of  dress fabric from the 1940s.

Adding Texture

Celebrating Fall has branches made from a highly textured yet, loosely woven fabric. I couched decorative threads are on top of the fabric to add more interest. This same couching technique is also visible in Tree Along Creek and At the Edge of the Grove.

Trees in Art Quilts, artist decorated tree branches brown and fall colors Celebrating Fall,33" x 31" 84cm x 79cm
Celebrating Fall,33″ x 31″ 84cm x 79cm

Adding Movement

In Looking up at Dusk,flying leaves and twigs are carried along by  the wind. While creating this piece, I actually toss some pieces onto the quilt top. Great fun! Great serenpidity!

Looking up at Dusk,31" x 24"
79cm x 61cm Golden background with green branches on top
Looking up at Dusk,31″ x 24″
79cm x 61cm
Green and white tree with a white fence on a hill with rocks. Red owl is in the tree.Overlook,35" x 26" 88cm x66cm
Overlook,35″ x 26″ 88cm x66cm

In Overlook, I choose a green and white patterned fabric for the trunk and branches. I couched decorative threads and yarn to the fabric before cutting out the shape of the tree.  The white  spaces on the fabric create movement. The curvy line quilting in the sky also adds action. The sky fabric is from an indigo dying class. Can you see the clouds moving across the sky?


My art is all about Color! Texture! and Movement! Tree art quilts are a perfect theme for me to showcase this mantra. Repurposed decorative threads and yarns are a natural fit as well to add more texture and movement.

I use  the fabric layering technique to create my trees. You may be interested in reading more.
