One piece of advice for all new artists is to join art organizations. Have you considered becoming an artist? Are you ready to take those first steps towards beginning life as an artist? Join a large local art group or a national organization or both. Usually these groups are full of artists and people who love art. It is a great introduction into the greater art world. Just join an art group.
Important Decisions
It is your decision as to whether you are advancing a hobby or trying to sell your art. While each path is unique, just as each media is unique, there are some overreaching themes that apply to all genres. Regardless, one piece of advice for new artists is to join a local and a national art group. Your will find others who share your passion when you join an art organization.
Join Arts Organizations.
Join a larger local arts organization. There you will become acquainted with people in the community that you want to move into. This is also a great way to find out about upcoming shows. Often times opportunities and Calls for Art come through these organizations such as donations or the sale or other materials. I recently saw a weaving loam for sale. That would be a special interest item for the right person. For me, my eyes were totally opened. I had no idea how the art world worked or how the word got out. Oh, that is how they find out things.

Join the national organization for your particular genre of art. One piece of advice for new artists would be to attend their meetings and/or conferences. I attended a number of conferences for art quilters when I began to put myself out there. People from all over the world attended. After the conference, we remained internet friends. I also learned so much about the ins and outs of my art form. Of course, there are other ways to learn but there is nothing like being a member of a national or international group of related artists.
My Unique County Supports Artists.
My home county, Santa Cruz County, California is one of the top five counties for working artists. The Arts Council Santa Cruz supports the arts and artists in many ways. Each month the walls of the County Administration Offices are decked out with the art of local artists. I never understood how that happened until I moved out of the traditional quilt world into the art quilt world. The County Arts Council sends out a call for entry each year to those on their email list or otherwise affiliated with them. They choose artists to show in December for the following year. The curtain was pulled back on of how this was done in a good way.
Meeting Artists with a Common Interest
Enough can not be said about meeting people who share a common interest. Life’s conversations are more informative and interesting when strangers share a common passion. If one is starting out, an artist with more experience can easily answer many questions. Try an make the artist share your same type of art. This interaction can happen through social media. However, one must be aware of variations due to local conditions. Try and connect with local artists doing what you do are what you want to do. It can be a formal or an informal meeting.
Donations of Materials
Donations of materials are welcome for a new artist. I remember when I was just starting out, materials were expensive. I relished the opportunity to gather items for free. Many times items that are no longer needed are shared within the group. Organizations make it easy to get the word out or to pass along no longer needed items. Take advantage of that.
Of course, becoming an artist involves time honing one’s artistic skills. If one take one piece of advice for new artists, join an arts organization. The group could be local and a national group for your artistic interest. After that, first steps towards life as an artist should include getting to know your arts community, organization and fellow art fans. The world of opportunities will appear before your eyes.
My national guild, Studio Art Quilt Associates(SAQA)