Consider this one way to advance your art,the art critique. Do you feel tnat you have reached a certain level? Feeling comfortable with your skill level? Having your art work critiqued can be a powerful experience. One needs to be confident enough in themselves and their work to explain their process, inspiration or project clearly. Furthermore,one must be open to listening to suggestions and new ideas.
At first glance the words, art critique sounds like criticize. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The art critique looks for the strengths of a piece and ways in which the artist may improve their piece and/or their technique. It can be a learning process for all involved. Providing guidelines or a structure for participants helps everyone to understand the process.It can be a valuable learning experience for all participants.Most importantly, the art critique should give the artist a way forward . What is the artist’s plan for further development for the future?
There are many online resources for critiques. A critique should be more than just ” I like this” or “I don’t like that.” Probing questions that require deep thinking on the artist’s part about one ‘s choices is more helpful. This is the hard part for participants. Each must be prepared to participate is a meaningful way. Moreover, this can take practice, Repeated opportunities to discuss one’s art work and critique the work of others in this way help.
Furthermore,knowing the art critique process beforehand helps everyone to be able to participate on some level. Ideally, as artists we will internalize the questions so that we will ask ourselves these deep questions while we are in the process of creating our future pieces.
Suggested Norms of a Critique
- All participants are familiar with the process before beginning. Ideally they will be able to read the procedure well in advance.
- All participants will develop a probing question of interest to them.
- All participants will actively join in.
- A non threatening environment is essential. Focus on the process not the individual artist.
- Practice the procedure many times. With ongoing critiques rotating so that each artist will have their work viewed and discussed.
- A wide range of art levels experiences is valued.
A Coaching Organization
Attending a meeting of the Artists Conference Network was a powerful and inspiring experience for me. This national organization has a well developed program and coaching structure. Each artist designs their own plan including timeline. Therein lies the power; the artist is in control of their own path. However, the time committment is substantial. I attended with a friend hoping to start a local group. Unfortunately, a local group wasn’t formed.
Artists Conference Network outlines the art critique process. The following is from their website.
The Artist Conference is a network of local communities of artists trained in the coaching structure. They coach each other weekly towards their goals and share their creative work at meetings every two to three weeks. The structure is equally effective for amateurs and professionals, and the communities welcome anyone working in any creative field of endeavor, even if you don’t call yourself an “artist”. Check out their website for a group near you.
One Critique

Several years ago I volunteered to get my work critiqued at a regional SAQA(Studio Art Quilt Associates ) meeting. This proved a new experience for me. We met in Oakland, California about 75 miles from my home in the beautiful studio of one of our members. A meeting full of friendly faces and a wide range of skill sets was a perfect spot for the art critique to take place. However, it was a one time event.
Another Critique
Another experience I had with critiques was with a small fiber group I was a member of. It was helpful that we met regularly and were comfortable with each other. We formed our group with the idea of celebrating fiber in many of its wonderful forms. However,our artistic experiences were very different. Our lack of experience in the process of each others’ work hindered our ability to contribute to the art critique on a highly skilled level.
Both of the critiques I participated in would have benefited from a clear format to follow. Repeated practice with the critique process makes for a positive experience for all.