Two random win-win situations happened to me recently. During COVID, passing unwanted items on had been a challenge. While Goodwill was open, I wanted to pass fabric related items to a more appropriate place where they would be welcomed and appreciated.

I had some spools of thread that I couldn’t use. The threads were too thin or too thick . Luckily, our quilt guild would be having their annual show soon. This show includes a Bargain Garden flea market. I had them in a plastic bag. They were ready to be donated to the upcoming flea market.

Serendipity Situation #1 Brings Joy
A young man popped into my studio. He graciously explained that he and his friends were making dream catchers for their families. He asked politely if I might have some threads for them to use. I handed him the bag of 10 spools. He was thrilled. He bought me a coffee. When he returned with the coffee, in addition,I offered him some yarn. People give me items all of the time. I was thrilled to be able to pass the items to this person who definitely was a fiber enthralled person. A win win situation #1
Serendipity Situation #2 Brings Joy
The pins I like to use are quilters’ pins. They are a bit longer than normal straight pins. They measure closer to 2″ instead of 1 “. Somehow my pin cushion had several of the shorter regular pins in it. It was annoying at times to grab the shorter pins when I needed a longer one. A neighbor stopped in. She needed some pins to borrow. Most importantly, I was able to pass on those annoyingly short pins. Another random win win.

In Conclusion
Did I know that these situations would happen in the same week? No. Was I happy to have these situations occur? Yes! I believe serendipity brings joy. These random win wins events were welcomed more than ever especially after these two years of COVID. May you have more joy from serendipity in your life too.