Scared to try Something New? Follow my Recent Attempts at Assemblage

Piece made in class ,2018

Recent Attempts at Assemblage

Recent attempts at assemblage came about from my interest in  fiber and 3D objects.  Sometimes it can be scary to try a new direction. Moving in a new direction is something that I generally do very slowly.The assemblage art form utilizes found objects that appeal to my deep sensibility for using redirected or upcycled materials. I had been adding 3D found objects to my art quilts since the beginning of my art career. The time came for me to further my skills by taking a class on assemblage. If I can try something new, so can you.

Under the Beautiful Redwoods-2018

Back in the Fall of 2018, I participated in an assemblage class taught by local artist, Janet Silverglate. The day long class met at her house outside under the beautiful redwoods of Felton, California. She introduced us to many new materials and skills. She was generous with both of them. Practicing with an electric drill was a new experience for me. The class learned the importance of working backwards on each piece. Figuring out how to hang or display the piece was one of the first necessary decisions to be made.

The Piece I made in Class

This is the piece that I made. I contributed the fiber background and the metal rim. Janet graciously offered the other  parts including the green paper, and large button on the top. She also helped with the process of adjoining all pieces together that I was having trouble accomplishing. While I am pleased with the finished product, I recognize  that I had a lot of help.

Brown and green circles on fiber background
Piece made in class,2018

I thoroughly enjoyed the day completing my first assemblage piece. As with many beginners, I was in awe of the teacher’s skill and proficiency. She had a large room full of materials that she had gathered. I could relate to that process. I also gather materials without considering their future use.  However, due to a lack of extra space,I  wanted to restrict myself to the materials that I already had. I couldn’t imagine gathering materials for assemblage projects as well as a wide variety of materials for art quilts. Luckily, my inheritance supplied me with a variety of interesting items I could use.

Several Recent Attempts at Assemblage

I took  a long while before I felt the creative juices flowing to try something on my own. Maybe the shelter in place helped in that regard. My thoughts were also that a successful piece begins with an interesting framework or support system. I  was waiting to find a worthy object.

My husband supplied me with a wooden drawer from a small piece of furniture of his mother’s. The drawer was from some sort  of a sewing unit. It had a wooden tray that originally was used to store thread and small items. I turned the tray on its side.

Making Decisions

My inheritance included many sewing items. I found the idea of covering the edges with fabric measuring tape appealing. First, I added screw in hooks to the top for hanging. Then  I glued the fabric measuring tape to the sides.  Here are some of my other first choices.  I moved the buttons around. Eliminating some of the sewing items creates a more general audience appeal.

Trying out ideas with lots of sewing items,spools yarn, small plastic animals for fun
Trying out ideas with lots of sewing items
Highlighting the measuring tape glued on the side.
Highlighting the measuring tape glued on the side.

Trying Different Things

Numerous attempts were  made before settling on this final arrangement.  I had many empty wooden spools that I wanted to use. Yet, previously I had noticed the lack of color in other people’s empty spool projects.   I preferred the addition of some thread color. Luckily, my mother and mother-in-law had left me many sizes and choices of colors. Whimsical animals add fun as well as color!

Wooden Spool Assemblage,2020, spools some empty and some still with thread
Wooden Spool Assemblage,2020

Another Recent Attempts at Assemblage-A Wooden Spool Wreath

For a long time I looked  for inspiration on what I could do with my empty  wooden spools. I did have a lot of them. Finally I saw a unique wreath that inspired me to try to make a wreath using them. I happily found red beads to alternate for a holiday look. The framework is a fiber paper plate holder. It is turned upside down so that it will lay flat against the wall. I  found a metal clip with a circular ring that I had. It attaches like a clothes pin. How easy was that!

Recent Attempts at Assemblage,Wooden Spool Wreath,2020  burlap bow
Wooden Spool Wreath,2020

How to String the Spools

I bought several sizes of  small width dowels to see which size would fit best. I chose the smallest one possible, less than 1/4″ wide to string the spoons and beads on. At first I tried to have all lengths equal. But I broke a dowel so I had to make do. I think that the different lengths are actually an improvement. Mistakes can be good. The tiniest dab of glue  holds each bead and spool in place on the dowel. I repurposed a burlap bow I had received on a recent gift. How serendipitious was that! The finished product hangs in my studio window.

Black Lives Still Matter

Recent Attempts at Assemblage,Black Lives Matter Decoration,2020 red,white and blue ribbons
Black Lives Matter Decoration,2020

What would 2020 be without a sincere homage to Black Lives Matter! I made several similar pieces using patriotic red,white and blue ribbons. On the white part of the ribbons, I wrote A Violation Should Not Be A Death Sentence and Black Lives Matter. It has been obvious to  me for years now that black people were shot and killed rather than just arrested or ticketed for a violation. Now another  variation piece has Equal Rights For All written on the ribbons.

Recent Attempts at Assemblage,Indigenous Inspirations, 2020 a fiber pape plate hold with red beads and feathers
Indigenous Inspirations, 2020

In conclusion, this year of Shelter in Place gave me the time to set aside any fears that I may have had about trying something new. Recent attempts at asssemblage helped me develop my new portfolio. Thanks for letting me share them with you.

Check out Janet’s work.

See a New Vista with these Mexican Inpired Fabric Collages

Abuelita''s Treasures

 Mexican Inspired Fabric Collages

Mexican inspired fabric collages
De La Sierra,30″ x 32″, fabric collage with apillera

Most Importantly to honor the Indigenous People

Mexico is home to numerous distinct indigenous people each with their own customs and languages. Certainly each of the 29 Mexican states has several native costumes influenced by the mix of Spanish, Mestizo and indigenous people. Moreover,most festivals have roots in the indigenous past. Primarily, these are the roots that I celebrate when I make my fabric collages.  Moreover,the desire to create a way to combine by love of sewing with my love of Mexico inspired the start of my art quilt life. Similarly,my Mexican inspired fabric collages evolved from that. Above all,I create the collages with fabric, details and found objects that I identify with the Mexican experience.

Mexican fabrics, yellow,black,red
Frolic of the Lizards,34″ x 34″
Mexican fabrics, yellow,black,red,bandana
Flowers for her Hair,29″ x 29″
Mexican inspired fabric collages
Bag of Cultural Gems,22″ x 29″

Many Ways to make Fabric Collages

First, I start by choosing the fabrics and colors that go together.  In addition,my design wall  helps me to find their “special” spot. Moreover,it is important to  decide what will go on top of the space beforehand. Jewelry or a finished iconic piece of fabric may be highlighted like a bandana or an arpillera. If the piece has many busy objects, then there needs to have an open calm space as the background. Popular trends in handcrafts of past generations in the United States were likewise popular in Mexico. Tatting and doily making were crossborder trends. I sometimes choose these for my  pieces.

Mexican Inspired Fabric Collages
Abuelita”s Treasures,22″ x 26″

Sewing the Pieces Together

Next I sew the fabric pieces together. Then I pay attention to the order in which I need to sew the items on. Depending on the embellishment, I may quilt the whole top firstand then hand sew on the embellishments afterwards. Artist made 3D  figures, flowers and hair bows add interest.  Found objects including antique huipil pieces may be used. Colorful ribbons remind one of  the movement and action of folkloric dancing. Sometimes I will fuse fun fabric pieces to the top.The whimsy flows.

Mexican inspired
Mexican Fireworks,23″ w x 33″h
Mexican fabric collage
El Senor y La Senora Win Loteria,31″ x31″

In Conclusion

Finally,these fabric collages are fun to sew together and embellish. Furthermore,I hope that you will be inspired to create you own. In addition,please feel free share them with me.

In conclusion,here is a link to some of my favorite blogs. The Thelmdatter posts are historical and informational about the diverse handicrafts made in Mexico. Unfortunately,the blog has been discontinued.
