The wisdom of the art world says that an artist should develop one identifiable portfolio of work. The audience should be able to recognize the work as work from the artist. At a later date, the artist may move in a different direction.Yet, isn’t following your heart why artists make art?
Following your Heart
My soul directs me to do something different. I must listen. So I have three portfolios that I take turns making; Mexican Inspired Fabric Collages, Nature Art Quilts and Abstract Art Quilts. Usually I make five or more pieces before moving on to another portfolio. The work remains fresh and new to me in this way.
Mexican Inspired Fabric Collages

Mexican inspired fabric collages drew me to begin my art career. I gather fabric, details and found objects that I identify with the Mexican experience to use. The art pieces are mostly machine pieced together. Some embellishments require hand sewing. Whimsical, unusual effects are fun to include. To not make them would prevent me from following my heart. I draw on my knowledge of Spanish. I learned so much from my experiences dancing with Los Méxicas, the University of California at Santa Cruz’s Mexican folk dance group. Other influences include my travels to Mexico and my thirty six year elementary school teaching career working mainly with children of immigrants from Mexico. Following your heart takes many forms.
Abstract Art Quilts

“Ann Baldwin May’s quilts are like abstract paintings.” Dave de Give
“Oh, I didn’t realize that the art was a quilt.” I thought it was a painting. A visitor commented during Open Studios art tour. She had only seen a small photo of the abstract work in a catalogue.
No fabric squares or blocks. No patterns. I create color, texture and movement using tucks, decorative threads and fibers with undulating quilting stitches. I use pieces of mostly redirected fabric to create my abstract art quilts. Art quilts free me to use a wide range of colors. Art quilts free me to experiment with unusual fabrics.
Nature Quilts

My third portfolio is my nature quilts. I make trees, landscapes, seascapes and underwater fantasies. These fabric landscape and seascape collage art quilts use the fabric layering technique. I cover them with tulle and free motion quilted together. The tulle remains to hold the pieces in place but it is often invisible. Sheer fabrics and synthetics add a watery effect to the scenes. The art quilts are often colorful and whimsical. Some pieces I call underwater fantasies .
You may be interested in reading more about the techniques I use to create these art quilts.