Studio Art Quilt Associates(SAQA) began in San Jose, California in 1989. Yvonne Porchella invited 50 fiber artists that were making art quilts to come to a first meeting. The group has now grown to be an international organization with over 4000 members on every continent except Antarctica.
The Mission of SAQA
The mission of SAQA is to promote art quilts as a new form of fine art. The group promotes the education of quilt artists through annual conventions. Furthermore SAQA sponsers numerous juried shows for their members. In addition,the group connects with high quality museums so that they will understand the value and high quality of the work produced by the art quilt world.

A Wide Variety of Styles and Techniques
Art quilters employ a wide variety of styles and techniques to create art. Some paint. Many don’t.Some create three dimensional details and supports for their work. Art quilts are as unique as the artists that create them.Furthermore, they may be portraits of pets and other loved ones, landscape or seascapes or even abstracts.The creativity of this newest art genre is all over the map.
Learn more about the Studio Art Quilt Associates on their SAQA website,
Regional Groups
With over 4000 members, SAQA has created regional groups based on location. These groups are active in getting together, growing skills together,creating shows and generally meeting the needs of their regional members.
Some Member Websites