How to Choose the Right Thread

Choosing the right thread for your project is important. Discover the brand of thread that works best on your machine. It may vary according to the type of project you are working on. My experience involves sewing clothes,machine piecing and machine quilting. True confessions time-None of my experience involves embroidery or thread painting. So I won’t address them.


The best thread for free motion quilting is Aurofil 50 wt. This brand is a thin,high quality quilting thread that comes in a wide range of colors. Each spool seems a bit more expensive than other brands. Yet, the thread is thinner so there is more thread per spool. It is strong enough to withstand the pull of the machine during the quilting process. I never break my own rule about free motion quilting with Aurofil thread. Moreover, one less thing to worry about.

Experiment with Color

When I began machine quilting many years ago, the right thread meant I choose colors to match my quilt. As I moved into the art quilt realm, I realized that each person’s eyes blended colors uniquely. I stopped worrying about choosing the perfect matching color. With more flexible of the thread colors, I liked the results. So I no longer worry about matching When I began machine quilting many years ago, I choose colors to match my quilt. As I moved into the art quilt realm, I realized that each person’s eyes blended colors uniquely. I stopped trying to match the right thread color. With more flexible of the thread colors, I liked the results. So I no longer worry about matching the right thread color to the fabric color or even coming close.

Choosing a Brand

When choosing a thread, consider what you will be doing with it. With practice, you will find which thread brand works bit with your machine. One brand of thread was recommended when I bought my machine. So I used it. I thought that the stitches could look better.

Quite by accident, I found other brands that made my stitches look better. I started to use them for piecing. Similarly, several nation brands of thread didn’t perform well on my machine. They are not poor quality threads just not suited well for my machine and the type of sewing I do. Free yourself to experiment to find a brand that creates the good quality look you want. So much for thinking all thread brands are alike.

Using Old Thread

I do not have a problem using old thread. At my guild’s annual flea market, I am drawn to the wooden spools of thread. I gather them like wild mushrooms in the spring. I know that there will be a time that they become rare. Yet I have found these antique threads to be as strong as newer threads. Do not be afraid to use them.

Spools with Unusual colors

Find spools of unique colors and shades. Add them to your work . Do not be afraid of their strength or quality. In my decades long sewing career, I only tossed one spool of thread due to poor strength. That’s a darn good record.

Collect a Wide Range of Thread Colors

The shades of colors change more quickly than one would think. Pantene Paints sets the standard for the popular paint colors for each year. This affects the whole world of fabric. Yet, what if the fabric color a quilter needs is out of fashion? This is why developing a stash of thread is important. I suspect it also encouraged some art quilters to begin to use paint as well. But that is another situation i am unfamiliar with as I don’t use paints. Yet, I keep an eye out for unusual thread colors. I have a wide range of color at my fingertips.

As I have gained experience I realize some acquisitions were a bit too hasty. I liked the color and gathered without regard for the content of the thread. The was a bit of a mistake. Opps, save that polester thread for basting or pass it on.

White Thread is Useful too.

I often run out of white thread. Hard to believe, but true. As uninteresting as it seems we do need white thread from time to time. Yet I found I didn’t have any.

A Special Thread

Special types of projects may require special threads. I took a Hawaiian quilting class a long while back. The teacher suggested the use of silk thread. So I bought several different colors. Silk thread is very thin which disappears with the needle turned applique technique used for Hawaiian applique. I completed several Hawaiian blocks over the years. The thin silk thread disappeared wonderfully into the fabric.


I have used a lot of different thread in my sewing lifetime. Some are very specialized while other are more versatile. Experiment with your thread use. There are no right or wrong threads.Of course, the internet has widened who we can ask for help and what their perferences are and why. However, experiment and form your own opinions.

By Ann

Ann Baldwin May was born and raised in Palo Alto, California. She received her education from University of California, Irvine (History, BA Elementary Teaching Credential, Masters in Teaching Spanish) Her first quilting class was in 1975. She retired in 2012 after working 30 years as a bilingual teacher and Bilingual Resource Teacher in Watsonville. After making over 300 bed quilts, she turned her attention to art quilts. Ann is passionate about using repurposed materials often from the San Francisco Design Center. She has won several awards for her work. Kaiser Permanente has purchased five pieces for their Santa Cruz County facilities. Her work has been juried into shows all over the country including San Francisco and Chicago. She participates in the juried Santa Cruz County Open Studios Art Tour. She is married and has two daughters. Ann Baldwin May Santa Cruz Art Center, 1001 Center St.#4 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.345.1466 Facebook- AnnBaldwinMayArtQuilts@annbaldwinmay Instagram-annbaldwinmay
