Try sparking your creativity by limiting materials. If you are like most fiber people or quilters, you may have lots of boxes or bags filled with random materials. Shake up your creativity by choosing only one box to use. Limit your materials for your next project to that one box or one bag. Make it work! Of course, you can break your own rules if you need to to use a unique fabric or item that will go perfectly in your piece.
Spark Creativity by Limiting Materials
I find having a studio full of materials limiting and stifling at times. Sometimes new productivity and creativity can come from limiting materials. Stuck in a rut? Maybe trying this will help. Long ago a librarian told me that sometimes having less books on a shelf increases book check outs. Spark creativity by limiting materials. Sometimes less is more.

My first plan was to make an underwater fantasy with a Mexican inspired twist. I listened to the materials as they led me in a slightly different direction in my first two pieces. Finally by the third piece I hit my original goal of a seascape with Guatemalan fabric fish. It’s your art. There is no right or wrong, just different.

Stuck in a rut? Try this technique to help you see things differently.
Learn more about art quilting at Studio Art Quilt Associates’ website,