Why do you begin an art quilt? Each person’s motivation to start an art quilt is different. Many people begin with a photo they want to copy. Others learn a new technique that they want to try out. Most of us are motivated by the fabric. My motivation is a bit different. Many times I decide it is time to use up a particular fabric or material. For instance, I have had the material for too long. Moreover,it is time for it to go. Yes, I realise this sounds a bit wacky.

Of course, part of the challenge for myself is to use the fabric in an artistic way. City Lights started because I had a lot of blue cotton fabric I wanted to use. I made it in 2012 at the beginning of my art quilt career. It was juried into the All About the Blues in the ARC Gallery in Chicago.
Beginning an Art Quilt
My attitude of trying to use up fabric frees me up from a certain attachment to fabric. Moreover, I work intuitively. I do not draw or design an image to begin. That is not the way I work. I like to see how the materials fit with one another. Friends call me a prolific artist. Maybe being unfettered to the design process or creative process frees me to create more. I hear people say that I worked so long on a piece that I couldn’t sell it. That is not me. I love my work but I am a bit more detached.
Sea Turtles, Art Quilt

Surprisingly some of my most successful pieces were made when I decided to use up materials. I had a piece of turquiose blue fabric with metallic dots or bumps on it. I had had it for a awhile. All in all, it seemed like a perfect beginning for the background of an underwater fantasy. That is how Sea Turtles started. What makes a piece successful? Foremost in my opinion, I like the way it turned out. In addition, Sea Turtles sold.
Improvisional Quilting
Improvisional quilting is the term for the way I work. I do minimal planning. I choose one of my portfolios whether nature, Mexican inspired or abstract. Then I choose a color wave of 3-4 colors. Next, I see how different fabrics play together. I eliminate those that don’t really go well together. Finally I sew them together. In a nutshell, that is how I work.
Reducing and Redirecting
Reducing and redirecting fabric is a major motivation for me also. Luckily, I have access to discontinued high end designer fabric samples. These unique fabrics stimulate creativity. However, great art can be made with just about any material. One problem this causes me is that because I want to use up the fabric, my pieces become larger, around 40″ x 60″ 102cm x 150cm. Yet many buyers live in smaller places which may limit sales for a larger piece of art.
Sharing Your Process
When I hear others share their process or way of working I often think “Wow, that is really different from the way I do things.” They sure put a lot of time into planning and the execution of their piece. One process is not better or worse than another one. We all have our own unique way of creating. Drawing and planning is just not the way I work. Of course, time is not an issue when making a precious heirloom for a loved one.
No Art Degree
Furthermore, I have noticed that people with a strong educational experience in art have high expectations for what they should be doing and how they should be doing it. However,I am not fettered by an art degree or even many art classes . I come from the sewing clothes and traditional bed quilt world. I create art with those techniques. Yet, I harbor no preconceived notions about what I should be doing in the art world. I am as surprised as anyone that my work is selling. My motto is work hard and have low expectations. That way everything can only be up from there. Remember, creating is supposed to be fun.
Above all,whatever one’s motivation or inspiration to get started to create is fine. One way is not better than another. Part of art’s job is to take us to a different place, a better place. Relax and don’t sweat the small stuff. What motivates you?