When Why How to Quilt?
What is quilting? Quilting can be several things. A basic definition is the sewing together of two or three layers of fabric either for a practical purpose or a solely artistic purpose. What if a person cuts up fabric and sews it back together to make the top of a bed covering? Yes is the answer.
Who is a Quilter?
Are you a quilter if you only sew or piece the top together and then have another person do the quilting? Yes. When I started, I only did that part. I worried that I could not call myself a quilter when I really only pieced the top together. Another person quilted the three layers, the top, the batting and the back, together. It turns out that I was wrong. Even back then,I was a quilter.
Acceptance of Many
The quilting world and the art quilt world both accept people as quilters whether or not they actually sew the three layers together. Some have the luxury of sending their tops to a person with a long arm machine or another person to complete that part of the process. Let’s just make sure that they are given credit for their contribution.Words are funny that way, confusing at times and not even close to the reality. No wonder there is so much misunderstanding in the world.

How to Complete
I recently completed two abstract art pieces. Poppin’Back used bright yellows, purples,magentas contrasting with white pieces of fabric. The fabrics were cotton. When it was time to sew the three layers together, I didn’t stop to think. I forged ahead, quilting the usual way I often do, moving the quilt from side to side to create wavy lines . This creates another level of movement that I adds to the art piece.

The Second Piece
The second piece,Smilin’ was completely made from dipioni silk in bright contrasting colors with curved line piecing.I loved the bright colors and shapes. What would quilting lines add to the stunning colors? I decided that they wouldn’t add much.
Yet, the 3 layers layers of fabric needed to be attached. Stitching in the Ditch which means quilting in the seams solved the issue for me. Many art quilters would expertly sew 1/4″ lines to fill spaces. Giving myself permission to do something differently,I listened to what I felt the piece needed. I am happy with the final product.
Consider what is quilting brings to an art piece? Does it add an important element like movement or color to the piece? Is it necessary? Each art piece is unique. It deserves its own consideration on how to quilt it. These are decisions that only the artist can make. It is one of the artistic decisions that the artists must make. My plan is to pay attention and listen to the art more in the future.
See more art quilts at the Studio Art Quilt Associates’ website. https://www.saqa.com/