Recent Random But Good Acts

We Are the Story
Let Us Breathe, Ann Baldwin May

Recent Random But Good Acts demonstated how divergent parts of one’s life can come together and make sense.

Recent Random But Good Acts

Shelter in Place

During the recent Shelter in Place, I was horrified,like many Americans, to see the murder of George Floyd. How to process forward from such a horrific event! Not an easy task! How to even begin  distilling my views? Yet I felt compelled to create something.  A decade had passed since I had created political quilts. It had been so long. I hadn’t even remembered that I had made them.

Finally, I created an art quilt with two black  figures, a man and a woman dressed in African fabrics, appliqued on a variety of skin toned fabrics in the background. Red and blue hearts on their chests represented the love the black people have this country in spite of the fact that the love is not always returned.

We Are the Story,Recent Random But Good Acts
Let Us Breathe, Ann Baldwin May,2020
We are the Story,Recent Random But Good Acts
We are the Story , art quilt show venues.

In the past several years, I had refrained from entering national shows. My focus became local. I choose to show at the juried county Open Studios, local shows and First Friday Art Tour.These events have all been cancelled . When I saw a call for entry, Racism: In the Face of Hate We Resist, I considered entering. Yet, I hestitated. My piece is subtle. Maybe it it time for black artists to shine and take the spotlight. Then I remembered the slogan, White Silence is Violence. I needed to enter the show to show my support to the issue. This slogan rang true to me because that is exactly the way I feel about good men  who are not vocal enough about women’s rights. So I entered my piece and was accepted.

Dr. Carolyn Mazlotti, curator

Dr. Carolyn Mazlotti, founder of Women of Color Quilters Network, is the curator. I had heard her speak  at a Studio Art Quilt Associates(SAQA) conference several years before. She has done an incredible of curating and promoting  the show. There will be seven or more venues. However  at the time of my acceptance, many were still being arranged. So I was not made aware of the venues at all. That was not a problem for me as I sent my art quilt off. But it set the stage for the random event.

wild fires

Plans for the show in Minneapolis continued while wild fires raged in  California. Many fires started due to a spectacular lightening storm  with lightening strikes hitting dry foliage.  Unfortunately, one large fire was nearby in my county. The large property adjacent to my house was on mandatory evacuation. Firefighters were in short supply due to the overwhelming number of fires through the state. Another lightening storm was predicted in several days.  We moved special items to my studio located in a safe spot, downtown. I self evacuated myself to a friend’s house 12 miles away.   Luckily, more firefighters arrived and the forecasted lightening storm was uneventful. In general, the weather cooperated. I returned home after the second storm passed over us. Even though we  were all fine, it  took a week to readjust and recover from the disorientation.

Random Act #1

It was during that first week back home that the first random event happened. I received an email from an old friend, Heidi. She included a photo of my artwork in a Swedish newsletter. What? How did she get my art? How did my art get into a Swedish Newsletter? Heidi and I went to high school together. We had reconnected at a previous high school reunion. As far as I knew she was not Swedish. She graciously slugmailed me Posten,the newsletter of the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis. Then the random pieces fell together.

We Are The Story
Announcement in Posten,the newsletter of the American Swedish Institute.
Random Act #2

Heidi had previously worked at the American Swedish Institute so she was on their newsletter mailing list. She informed me that in fact she was half Swedish and half Finnish.The American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis is the site of the first venue of the shows. My art quilt was the photo chosen to advertise the new show.

Random Act #3

The newsletter had chosen my art quilt out of many. That is random.

Random Act #4

Then they printed my name along side of the quilt. This doesn’t often happen. If the name had not been prominently shown, my friend wouldn’t have even suspected that it was my art.

As an aside the Textile Center of Minneapolis is one of the major sponsers of this show. The Textile Center’s gift shop was one of the first places outside of my local area that I had shown my work. Unfortunately, it was during the Great Depression of 2006-08. The Textile Center will be final venue of the show in June,2021.

In conclusion, if my friend had not worked at the Swedish Institute, she would not have received the newsletter. If the Institute had not placed my name center stage and very visible, my friend might not have noticed it. So it was with much relief  that I finally undertood how the different parts of my life had  come together recently through rather random connections.

By Ann

Ann Baldwin May was born and raised in Palo Alto, California. She received her education from University of California, Irvine (History, BA Elementary Teaching Credential, Masters in Teaching Spanish) Her first quilting class was in 1975. She retired in 2012 after working 30 years as a bilingual teacher and Bilingual Resource Teacher in Watsonville. After making over 300 bed quilts, she turned her attention to art quilts. Ann is passionate about using repurposed materials often from the San Francisco Design Center. She has won several awards for her work. Kaiser Permanente has purchased five pieces for their Santa Cruz County facilities. Her work has been juried into shows all over the country including San Francisco and Chicago. She participates in the juried Santa Cruz County Open Studios Art Tour. She is married and has two daughters. Ann Baldwin May Santa Cruz Art Center, 1001 Center St.#4 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.345.1466 Facebook- AnnBaldwinMayArtQuilts@annbaldwinmay Instagram-annbaldwinmay
