Shop Etsy Find Joy
More than ever Etsy shops list an incredible number of unique handmade and vintage items. If you shop Etsy you will find joy. Art quilts are listed on my site. Currently, I have also listed vintage items from my family. I have kept some of my own pieces for so long they are now vintage.
A Funny Story
Back in the 1970’s, the Bob Newhart Show was a popular sitcom. I remember a funny setup. His receptionist dates an older man. She goes to his apartment for the first time. She says, “I love what you have done with these antiques.” Her date answers,”Thank you. They weren’t antiques when I bought them.” Similarly,I am there now.
Sadly the Shop Etsy Find Joy videos are no longer available.
Vintage Clothing
Vintage clothing is at least twenty years old. Similarly,recent listings include vintage clothing and vintage jewelry. Many of these are one owner items. They come from the closets of my grandmother, mother and mother in law or myself. Many items from the 1940 to the 1980s.
One of a Kind Items
I made this jacket for myself. First I sewedthe fabrics together. Then I cut out the pattern. I wore the jacket several times. Then I realised that I am not a jacket person. I much prefer sweaters or a warm hooded coat. May someone else enjoy wearing this piece!
Assemblage – 3D Collages
During the pandemic shut downs, I created some assemblage pieces. They are 3D collages. Some are art in a box. Similarly, due to the smaller size they are minimalist. I inherited several antique keys that I added to my pieces.
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