Memory Quilt-Step by Step
Above all,a memory quilt is a quilt made out of a person’s clothing as a way of honoring their memory. After seeing my art work, a client contacted me to make an art quilt as a way to keep the memory of her grandmother alive.For example,follow as I show the step by step the process of making a memory quilt of the client’s grandmother’s clothes and articles.
At our First Meeting
At our first meeting, the woman shared information about her grandmother’s life that she especially wanted to be included in the memory quilt. In addition,she brought artifacts to illustrate her life. The artifacts included buttons, artificial flowers, a paper card notice, lace and several dresses and clothing . Together step by step, we decided on the colors. We both agreed on the pink, green, and blue palette. I was able to use some dark blue from the orange and blue housedress.
Personal details
Furthermore,the wide range of details, artificial flowers, momentos, jewelry,clothing gave me a lot to choose from. Subsequently,I was also able to include buttons, lace from hems and the safety pins that had been hidden inside the clothing. Luckily, the client said that she would trust my artistic choices to arrange or eliminate as necessary. After that the work on the Memory Quilt-step by step began.

To Begin-Memory Quilt-Step by Step
First I cut out parts of the fabric from the dresses. Based on my experience and the approximate size of the finished piece, I knew that I didn’t need to take apart all of the seams. In other words, there would be plenty of fabric. Therefore, I cut pieces of about 10” -20” square. I heat fused interfacing on to the back of the polyester to reduce stretching and to aide sewing. Then I was able to cut out a variety of interesting geometric shapes in dark navy blue from an eliminated orange dress. Finally,I noticed that the back side of the fabric was a lovely medium blue so I decided to use both sides of the fabric. The pieces were smaller about 3” each.
Using the Design Wall to create the Memory Quilt-step by step
Using the design wall, I pinned the fabric up to begin to try out fabrics for work in progress of the memory quilt.

I created this accent from zippers I took out of the clothes. The safety pins are decorative. Be brave and use interesting objects that one might not usually think of using for a memory quilt.

Next, I added the details to get an idea about where they should go.

Then,I began to sew pieces together.

I continued to sew pieces together and change their place for balance of color.

Finally, all of the pieces found their special spot.Next, the top was sewn together. Then,the backing and batting are added. Lastly I quilt the three layers together. In this case,the focus is on the materials and details. Therefore, the quilting took a back seat and did not stand out.

Read more in these articles on Memory Quilts.