Mexican Inspired Fabric Collages

Most Importantly to honor the Indigenous People
Mexico is home to numerous distinct indigenous people each with their own customs and languages. Certainly each of the 29 Mexican states has several native costumes influenced by the mix of Spanish, Mestizo and indigenous people. Moreover,most festivals have roots in the indigenous past. Primarily, these are the roots that I celebrate when I make my fabric collages. Moreover,the desire to create a way to combine by love of sewing with my love of Mexico inspired the start of my art quilt life. Similarly,my Mexican inspired fabric collages evolved from that. Above all,I create the collages with fabric, details and found objects that I identify with the Mexican experience.

Many Ways to make Fabric Collages
First, I start by choosing the fabrics and colors that go together. In addition,my design wall helps me to find their “special” spot. Moreover,it is important to decide what will go on top of the space beforehand. Jewelry or a finished iconic piece of fabric may be highlighted like a bandana or an arpillera. If the piece has many busy objects, then there needs to have an open calm space as the background. Popular trends in handcrafts of past generations in the United States were likewise popular in Mexico. Tatting and doily making were crossborder trends. I sometimes choose these for my pieces.

Sewing the Pieces Together
Next I sew the fabric pieces together. Then I pay attention to the order in which I need to sew the items on. Depending on the embellishment, I may quilt the whole top firstand then hand sew on the embellishments afterwards. Artist made 3D figures, flowers and hair bows add interest. Found objects including antique huipil pieces may be used. Colorful ribbons remind one of the movement and action of folkloric dancing. Sometimes I will fuse fun fabric pieces to the top.The whimsy flows.

In Conclusion
Finally,these fabric collages are fun to sew together and embellish. Furthermore,I hope that you will be inspired to create you own. In addition,please feel free share them with me.
In conclusion,here is a link to some of my favorite blogs. The Thelmdatter posts are historical and informational about the diverse handicrafts made in Mexico. Unfortunately,the blog has been discontinued.