An important life skill for artists to develop is resilience. Resilience helps one weather the rough spots in life. Learn who you are. Learn what your passion is and develop it . Be authentic. Friends, family members and those close to you may not see your passion as you do. Focus on what is true and real for you. This can be hard. As human beings we rely on the reflections of those around us to see ourselves.

Following One’s own Path takes Resilience.
Developing resilience is an important life skill for artists to combat certain comments people might make. “What are you doing that for? “People will say the first thing that pops into their mind without thinking. Realize that it is okay if some people don’t agree with your choice of activity. When someone doesn’t like what I am deeply involved in, I often think about model trains. Some people are extremely passionate about model trains, something that I have absolutely no interest in.
“Isn’t that a lot of work?” Just yesterday a neighbor made that comment about all of the work I do to maintain my garden. I love doing it. I can’t imagine not doing. It is the same way I feel about my art. Passion is what you can’t live without. It isn’t work if you like doing it. Picture water sliding off a duck’s back when disparaging remarks are made. Little by little build resiliency.
Being the Black Sheep takes Resilience.
Developing resilience is an important life skill for artists tostand up to certain activities other might want you to do. When growing up my family was into sports; listening, watching on TV and attending baseball and football games. Of course, I also did these things until I got old enough to realize that I didn’t want to do it anymore. I would rather be out doing something active than watching others do it. This act of resilience was easy for me. Being the odd man out may not be as easy for some people. Of course, it would be nice if the people we care about also cared about the things that we care about. But that doesn’t always happen.
Overcoming Setbacks takes Resilience.
Setbacks can also happen. Sometimes one’s work or family responsibilities take center stage. Being a responsible person creates its own confidence and resiliency. When one knows themselves and is authentic, then moving in a new direction can support one’s vision.
Life skills for artists Develop Resilience.
Many paths lead to success. If one path doesn’t work, find another. Take the long view. A different path might not immediately be visible. Keep working towards your goal, be it personal or professional or artistic.
The poster in my laundry room has this quote on it.
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Albert Einstein
Or as a favorite song, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World says
(partial lyrics)
“Live right now, yeah, just be yourself.
It doesn’t matter if it’s good enough for someone else.
It just takes some time,
Little girl, you’re in the middle of the ride.
Everything, everything will be just fine,
Everything, everything will be alright, alright.
Just do your best do everything you can
And don’t you worry what the bitter hearts are gonna say.”
Resilience is a life skill that can be developed and nourished. It applies to our professional, personal as well as our artistic endevours. Things happen in life that are sometimes out of our control. Don’t take setbacks personally. Just forge forward.