Currently,(2018)a World of Fiber Art at the Santa Cruz County Building is on view at the Santa Cruz County Building on Ocean St. Above all, fifteen art quilts by Santa Cruz artist, Ann Baldwin May are currently on exhibit at the Santa Cruz County Building. In addition,the exhibit is at the 701 Ocean St. facility in Santa Cruz. Furthermore, the show runs through July 27, 2018.
A World of Fiber Art at the Santa Cruz County Building

From Bed quilts to Art Quilts

Fabmo Materials
Firstly, May gets her material from the non profit group known as FabMo. It is an all volunteer run organization. Moreover,the group provides high-end materials to artists, teachers and others for creative reuse. A statement of the website,, reads: “These exquisite textiles, wallpapers, and tiles are from the design world.They are usually only available to you through a designer. FabMo makes them available on a donation basis. Our work keeps about 70 tons a year of them from the landfill.” PreCOVID FabMo also typically came Harvey West Clubhouse about four or five times a year. In addition, special selection dates occur in Sunnyvale, California.
Award Winning Artist
In 2019,She entered her first art piece in Pajaro Valley Arts exhibit titled “Los Pájaros.” Her work was titled, “Great Blue Heron at Dusk.”
The following year it won a merit award at the Olive Hyde Gallery in Fremont,California.
As a result, Ms. May was encouraged to continue her art quilt adventure.

Color! Texture! Movement!
Overall,May has completed about 350 art quilts and counting.. Furthermore, her work has also been shown at the R. Blitzer Gallery in Santa Cruz, in Chicago, San Francisco, and at New York Arts.
“Above all,I’m all color, texture and movement; that’s what I have to do,” Baldwin May said. “Furthermore,it takes me to another place. In other words, it feels very comfortable to build on skills that I already know, that I am confident in doing.”
Open Studio Art Tour
Once more, May will take part in the annual Open Studio Art Tour in October,2018. Meanwhile, she does most of her work at her studio in the Santa Cruz Art Center. In other words,for Open Studios her art fills the lobby at the Santa Cruz Art Center at 1001 Center St. She also participates in First Friday Art Walk.Similarly,this is an informal, monthly art tour where artists and galleries open their doors to the public.
By: Tarmo Hannula © 2018-Register-Pajaronian
Artist Bio
Ann Baldwin May was born and raised in Palo Alto, California. Moreover,she began sewing in junior high. Later,she received her education from University of California, Irvine (History, BA Elementary Teaching Credential, Masters in Teaching Spanish) Meanwhile, her first quilting class was in 1975. After that,she basically never stopped making quilts.After she retired in 2012 After working 36 years as a bilingual teacher and Bilingual Resource Teacher, she retired. As a result, in 2012,she turned her attention to making art fulltime.
Purchased art
Over the years,Kaiser Permanente bought five art quilts.for their facilities in Scotts Valley and Watsonville, California. Again she participates in the juried Santa Cruz County Open Studios Art Tour. Furthermore,her work is currently being shown at New York Arts in TRIBECA, New York City.
Contact info
Ann Baldwin May
Santa Cruz Art Center, 1001 Center St.#4 Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Facebook- AnnBaldwinMayArtQuilts@annbaldwinmay
Finally,Some of Ann Baldwin May’s favorite artists.
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