What is the Difference Between Art Quilts and Bed Quilts?

Political Quilts
Homage to a Dancer, one of the first art quilts I made.

 Art Quilts and Bed Quilts

Homage to a Dancer, one of the first art quilts I made.

People ask how art quilts and bed quilts different. The answer is something that I have lived through. I started making bed quilts back in the 1970’s. In 2008, I  made the transition  to creating wall art. May I offer some generalizations?

Bed quilts and art quilts are made with the same tools; sewing machine, rotary cutters, cutting boards, see through ruler, a variety of feet for their machines. Many of the techniques are also the same. Both have three pieces sewn together,use applique tecniques, quilt by stitch in the ditch,  and often include binding. Bed quilts generally have squares or blocks of fabric sewn together. Bed quilters prefer to use 100% cotton. It is the best fabric to work with. It lies flat and most importantly, it is washable.

Art Quilts are Wall Art.

When a quilter moves away from the necessity of washing their piece, a whole new realm of fabric possibilities open up. For me, foregoing the use of patterns also forged my way toward art quilts. I have been “scarred” by my pattern disasters. I flatly refuse to use them anymore unless it is my own pattern. But that only happens rarely. By not following anyone else’s ideas, colors, or materials, I have been able to create my own style.

Silk, linen, synthetics, yarn and decorative threads have become my go to materials. I am very focused on using redirecting fabrics and materials to keep them out of the landfill. I keep the smallest pieces of fabric to try and find a use for it instead of placing them in the trash. Of course, my first focus is on creating a beautiful piece of art that someone will want to live with.


Learn more about the international art quilt organization that started in Northern California in 1989.

By Ann

Ann Baldwin May was born and raised in Palo Alto, California. She received her education from University of California, Irvine (History, BA Elementary Teaching Credential, Masters in Teaching Spanish) Her first quilting class was in 1975. She retired in 2012 after working 30 years as a bilingual teacher and Bilingual Resource Teacher in Watsonville. After making over 300 bed quilts, she turned her attention to art quilts. Ann is passionate about using repurposed materials often from the San Francisco Design Center. She has won several awards for her work. Kaiser Permanente has purchased five pieces for their Santa Cruz County facilities. Her work has been juried into shows all over the country including San Francisco and Chicago. She participates in the juried Santa Cruz County Open Studios Art Tour. She is married and has two daughters. Ann Baldwin May Santa Cruz Art Center, 1001 Center St.#4 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 baldwinmay49@yahoo.com 831.345.1466 annbaldwinmayartquilts.com Facebook- AnnBaldwinMayArtQuilts@annbaldwinmay Instagram-annbaldwinmay
